智能电表集中抄表系统入户子系统 第5页

智能电表集中抄表系统入户子系统 第5页
6.2 Objectives of copper greenfield automated planning
The overall objective is to create a system which will autonomously design copper greenfield network infrastructures that satisfy engineering and cost constraints. Once the civil works layer of the infrastructure has been specified by a network planner, the autoplanning system should be able to synthesise the required network infrastructure at the duct, cable and bearer layers. The autoplanning system should further be capable of producing any documentation and estimates of infrastructure cost in each design layer required by the network planner, the site developer and any external contractors in an acceptable form. Essentially, the documentation produced should meet the standards required for internal record keeping and also
be able to be used as the basis for external contracts with site developers and external contractors. The auto-generated design should be cost-effective to implement and meet any engineering constraints imposed by the type of network plant being deployed. Furthermore, any infrastructure designs created by the system should be produced with a minimum of intervention from the network planner. Finally, the application of the system to greenfield infrastructure design should deliver significant benefits in terms of the actual amount of time spent on doing the design work.
6.3 System requirements for a copper greenfield auto- planning tool
Given the existing view of the generic copper Greenfield planning process, and the objectives which need to be met by an automated design process, this section will examine in greater detail the requirements, desirable attributes, key components and business benefits of such a system.
• The system should save design time
Planners work to a set of planning rules which ensure that designs are technologically feasible and can be produced within a reasonable time. Given the pressure of job planning volumes and the time taken to explore alternatives, very few alternative infrastructure scenarios are usually considered in the manual planning process. A system which can explore a large number of potential infrastructure options within a relatively short time, and assure consistency across explored options, can yield considerable savings in time. This is particularly true as design progresses from the specification of infrastructure to the detailed costing and documentation stages. Therefore, even when the planner must override significant portions of an auto-generated design, the time saved in recomputing costs and reworking documentation is essentially only a few mouse clicks away all the time.
• A feasible and cost-effective infrastructure design is required
This is a central requirement for an automated planning system. It is a challenging task because of the number and kinds of parameters as well as the mix of engineering and/or policy constraints which must be factored into the creation of candidate infrastructures by the system. For instance, generating a cost-effective cable layer may lead to a duct layer network failing to meet engineering constraints. Changing the civil works layer specification (done by the planner) may stop the system from meeting duct layer policy constraints. Many feasible designs may not be cost effective. However, this type of task is well suited to the methods of artificial intelligence.
• Optional and progressive automation is desirable
Responsibility for the outputs of an automatically generated scheme must be assumed by a network planner. A highly experienced planner might for instance choose to specify every aspect of a proposal, using the system as a means to save time in the preparation of proposals. Alternatively, such a planner pressed for time might elect to have the system auto-generate the duct and cable layers and then override a number of design decisions made by the system. In this alternative scenario, it may be that the planner is completely satisfied with the outputs of the system and no further modification of the initially produced design is necessary. Therefore, a system that allows automatically generated designs to be overridden or modified in the light of a planner’s experience is desirable. Such a facility allows the proper flexing of automation against the experience of the planner. The challenge is to perform such actions seamlessly and in such a way that, in whatever mode (manual, semi-automatic or fully automatic) the planner chooses to use the tool, exactly the same set of actions are required for interaction.
• System component reuse is desirable
In order to solve similar types of problems in future, it is desirable that the framework upon which the system is constructed lends itself to rapid reuse in related problem areas. For instance, the problem of primary network fibre provisioning is analogous to the problem of copper greenfield spine network provision. Similarly, the problem of service distribution from a central serving facility contains the same essential elements regardless of the medium used to deliver service (for instance radio or fibre). In such cases, the extent to which the similarities in problem domains may be successfully exploited depends on the intrinsic nature of the framework used to express and implement the copper greenfield problem. In the most general case the question is: ‘How can the array of subsystems put together for the purpose of copper greenfield network planning automation be readily deployed in scenarios that require networks to be optimally planned, and design and costing documentation subsequently generated?’

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