智能电表集中抄表系统入户子系统 第10页

智能电表集中抄表系统入户子系统 第10页
Intelligent Automatic Meter Reading System Meter
—Home subsystem
Automatic meter reading means the use of communications and computer network technologies such as automatic meter reading and processing data. The development of automatic meter reading technology is the power to raise the level of power management needs, and it is also inevitable for the network and computer technology rapid development. In power management, the use of automatic meter reading technology, will not only save human resources and, more importantly, to improve the accuracy of meter reading, or to reduce the estimated billing errors caused by transcription, so that power management for timely and accurate access to data and information. So as a result of electricity users who no longer need an appointment with the door-to-door meter reading meter reading time, billing inquiries can quickly, so this technology more and more users.
Area residents to use a variety of automatic meter copy and remote transmission, the realization of the true meaning of the Intelligent Community of the fast, efficient, safe and user-friendly features, the article of the existing system of automatic meter reading problems to do with the lack of a analysis. Then, It introduced the residential developments of the intelligent automatic meter reading system.
This paper introduces the area of the development of the smart meter reading system, and then introduced a single-chip microcomputer system in the field of application and development, and designed a single-chip cell-based smart meter reading system, and introduced the system the choice of hardware and system design process, and finally with the Keil software system simulation.
Key words:Smart meter reading system     Single-chip    Automatic meter reading       keil Software摘  要
关键词:智能抄表系统   单片机    自动抄表    Keil软件
目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
前   言 1
第一章  系统概述 2
1.1 智能抄表系统现状 2
1.1.1 IC卡表系统 2
1.1.2 电力载波自抄表系统 2
1.1.3 远传抄表系统 3
1.2 单片机系统的优点 4
第二章  单片机的选择 5
2.1 从功能上的选择 5
2.2 从I/O接口上的选择 5
2.3 选择结果的介绍 6
2.3.1 对MCS-51硬件结构的进行说明 6
2.3.2 MCS-51单片机的引脚介绍。 8
第三章  系统的设计 10
3.1 理论目标 10
3.2 RS-485通讯接口配置 10
3.3功能选择 13
第四章  程序的编制 15
4.1 流程图 15
4.2 程序设计 17
第五章  计算机仿真 38
5.1 keil软件介绍 38
5.2 调整参数进行仿真 39
结束语 41
参考文献 42
致谢 43
外文原文 44
中文翻译 867

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