基于Web的网上购物系统 第4页

基于Web的网上购物系统 第4页英文文献翻译

摘要:在过去几年间电子商务的迅猛发展为组织提供了执行标准程序的新思路。在建筑领域中,大部份努力都把重心集中在投标和支付程序中。因此,许多电子的投标系统得到发展并且正在被使用,这主要是在美国,加拿大,欧洲和澳洲,它基本上支持投标和投标文件的获得提供搜索。SupplyPoint系统被发展用来电子化支持和使整个投标/支付程序的提供自动化,除此之外,对于加强当前系统搜索的便利性, 一个协作的系统可以以一种虚拟的方式支持银行组织的构成。这一系统的部分赞助来自于欧盟的一个ESPRIT程序(EP-27007)并且现在正处于最后的发展和测试阶段。1. 介绍:电子商务在过去几年间的迅猛发展为组织执行投标程序和参与竞标提出了新的思路。术语投标用来描述所有的被授权生产, 出版和管理投标文件的投标行为, 与此同时命令合并有权益组织的努力以通过回应投标来赢得合同。投标/支付程序的新功能对基于企业级的商业行为尤其重要,并且在许多情况尤其是对于单个的企业是由银行组织形成的。这是建筑领域的事情, 而及时的鉴定机会和充足的协会组成时获得订单的关键因素。这篇论文的目的分为两部分:
•为电子投标在建筑领域中支付分析了电子商务的机会(和危险性), 这是通过检查交易的连锁行为和检讨已存在的系统的正面性和反面性来完成的;
•为介绍SupplyPoint,这一欧洲范围内的研究和发展成果,它的部分赞助来自于欧盟的一个ESPRIT程序(EP-27007)。SupplyPoint系统将支持整个支付程序的电子化供给并且决定提供哪个现有的系统以及为向建筑企业提供贷款的银行组织提供服务。1. Introduction 
The rapid evolution of e-business in the past few years introduced has new ways for
organisations to perform tendering processes and participate in bidding. The term tendering
is used to describe all the actions performed by the awarding authority to produce, publish
and manage tendering documents, while bidding incorporates the effort of interested
organisations to win contracts by responding to tenders. The new abilities of the
tendering/bidding process are especially important for industries where business is
performed on a project-by-project basis and in many cases by consortia formed especially
for each project. This is the case of the construction sector, where timely opportunity
identification and adequate consortium formation are the key factors for winning a contract.
The goal of this paper is to twofold:
*  To analyse the opportunities (and risks) of e-business for electronic tendering and
bidding in the construction sector, by examining the chain of business processes and
reviewing the pros and cons of existing systems;
*  To present SupplyPoint, an innovative European-wide research and development
effort, which is partly funded by the European Commission under the ESPRIT
Programme - project EP-27007. The SupplyPoint system will support the whole
bidding process electronically providing and in addition to what existing systems
provide, services for forming virtual consortia that bid for construction projects.

Presented at the E-business and E-work conference, Madrid, Spain, 18-20 October 2000
2. Managing Virtually the Tendering/Bidding Process in the Construction Sector
The tendering/bidding process in the construction sector is characterised by the
involvement of a large number of actors and requires a substantial investment of time and
effort often with a limited success ratio. The set of actors involved includes the contracting
authority, architectural and engineering firms, general contractors, specialised contractors,
suppliers, manufacturers etc. 
Those actors perform different roles during the tendering/bidding procedure. Based on
the nature of the activities three roles have been identified:
*  Client,
*  Info Broker and
*  Provider. 
The main subject of the Client role is the successful completion of the tendering/bidding
procedure. The Client prepares tender documents, evaluates bids and assigns the contract to
the winner of the tender. This role is performed by the contracting authority but also by any
other actor who wishes to purchase services or products for the implementation of their
work within a project. A typical example would be a general contractor searching for
suppliers or subcontractors.
The role of Info Broker is to collect, organise, amalgamate and dispatch information
about tenders in progress, potential partners, contract awarded and so on. As will as the
above mentioned typical Info Brokers, this role is also performed by the contracting
authority and occasionally by any of the actors when for example passing information to
partners or subcontractors.
A typical provider could be a general contractor, who after searching for tenders and
choosing one to bid, forms with others a Virtual Consortium (VC – see [6]).  The VC then
prepares and submits a bid to the client. However, this is also the case when specialised
contractors, suppliers or manufacturers send their bids to a general contractor that is
preparing a bid for a tender.
Managing virtually the tender/bidding process consists of supporting electronically the
execution, partially or in total, of the activities executed by the above roles. From the client
point of view it is important to develop a module providing the ability to upload tender
notices and tender documents making them directly available to interested  parties and
eliminating lead times. Since very often after the publication of the tender, clarifications are
made, the module should in more advanced systems provide the ability to amend
clarifications to tender documents after they are uploaded and to notify providers who have
already downloaded the tender documents.  This functionality is provided in some systems
(for example Elpro see [5]) for further details of the European environment.
Having made all the tender documents electronically accessible, focus is now on the way
to access them. Thus a sophisticated search engine is required. This engine should enable
quick multi-parameter search of tenders and flexible presentation of results. Additionally
this module could automatically send e-mails informing  the user of any new tenders that
match a predefined profile(s). This profile is defined by the user and contains priorities and
interests, which are the basis for the screening of new tenders. Another important issue is
the ability to search for and gather information about potential partners, subcontractors and
suppliers as well as to have a secure environment ensuring on-time and quick
communication with them.
Virtual support has also to deal with the need of exchanging documents and messages
with the VC after the its formation, when the preparation of the bid begins. An effective
solution could be the commitment of adequate space in a web server dedicated to the
consortium, managed by the consortium leader and accessed by all partners (depending on
rights). Towards the end of the tender/bid process, virtual management should support the

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