
Data Encryption Standard (DES) is an ancient symmetric key encryption algorithm, is now no longer in use. It is not a very safe algorithms. Triple DES (Triple-DES) is still very safe, but it was only a last resort under the law of a better choice. Obviously Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a better encryption algorithm, NIST AES replaced by Triple-DES as their standard (Below is a more detailed discussion). Other good two other algorithms including AES and Twofish algorithms variants, also known as Serpent-CAST-128, it is efficiency and safety of the perfect combination. These algorithms not only more secure than DES, but also faster than DES. Why not use some of the safety and slow it SHA1 algorithm is a hash function, rather than an encryption function. As a hash function, SHA1 is still quite good, but it can take several years for the development of encryption algorithms. If you are designing a new system, then you may remember that several years later SHA1 replace the algorithm. I repeat: only possible.
RSA is a public key encryption algorithm. RSA key length for 2048-4096 in general. If you are using a system of 1,024 public key, and there is no need to worry, but you can be lengthened in the length of key encryption to achieve better results.
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is used to replace a data encryption standard (DES) algorithm. Currently 128,196 for the general use and 256 keys, the three keys are very safe. And the United States Government have thought. They will be approved by the 128 key AES algorithm for general data encryption, 196 and 256-bit AES algorithm for the key secret and top-secret data encryption data. DES, DESX is an improved version. DESX principle is to use a random binary number and encryption and decryption of data before the data or differences. Although some people criticized this algorithm, but with DES is more secure than DESX, but DESX in many cases does not apply. I have handled a DES hardware support system, as some areas can not tolerate the slow Triple DES, we DESX these places used to replace DES. However, this is a very special situation. If you need to use DESX reasons obvious (and I may have to use DESX similar reasons). However, I suggest that you use AES I mentioned above or some algorithm. RC4 is a common link in the data stream SSL encryption algorithm. It has been there for many years, and there are many known and may be flawed, in some new projects will not use it. If you are currently using it and can be easily uninstall it, the situation is not so bad. However, I doubt if you are using it, you can easily uninstall it. If it can not be from the system easily uninstall, then you should consider how to upgrade its future, but do not feel very scared. I will not refuse to use RC4 algorithm to encrypt SSL connection site to buy things, but if I now have to build a new system, then I will consider using other algorithms, such as: AES. I think you mentioned the following two-MD5 algorithm and SHA1-DSA RSA time, you know that they are used for digital signatures. But do not use MD5, because it has many shortcomings. We know that many years ago on the existence of loopholes in the MD5, but until this summer to break out. If you would like to learn more about MD5 detailed information, you can look at the past I wrote an article. You can SHA1 or DSA and RSA together with use. DSA key now up to the median 1024, the median key has been long enough, so do not worry about security issues. If, however, the NIST has a longer median key course better. X.509 certificate is a data structure, commonly used in the provisions of the order of bits and bytes, it is not a password system. It usually contains a RSA keys, and may also include a DSA key. But X.509 certificate and the certificate itself is not within the encryption technology.
Keyword: encryption, decryption, key, the algorithm
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