基于B/S结构的作业提交系统的设计 第5页
近些年来网络技术的迅速发展,使得不同地点的人们在任何时间都可以轻松获得自己需要的信息,同时也极大地推动了网络教学的发展,特别是Java技术的出现,以其安全性、跨平台性的优势,使网络教学的发展变得更加迅速,很多在网络平台上用Java技术开发出的教学软件系统相继问世,如网上考试系统、视频点播系统等。本文阐述的是运用J2EE技术构建一个基于B/S结构的网上作业提交系统,以其改变过去传统的学生递交作业的方式,老师批改作业的方式,让学生递交作业更加灵活,大大减轻了老师的工作量和学生的学习任务,极大地提高了老师的工作效率和学生的学习效率。此次作业提交系统是用Mysql 5.0数据库、JSP等技术开发而成,用户注册时有三种身份可供选择,分别为学生、老师和管理员。学生有上传资料、提交作业等功能,老师有发布作业、批改作业等功能,管理员有发布公告、删除学生老师信息等功能。
关键字: 作业提交系统 B/S结构 JSP技术
In recent years the network technology develops speedily, so people at different places may easily gain the information that they need. The network technology promotes development of the network teaching .Especially the appearance of Java make development of the network teaching speedy. There are many education systems that are developed with Java technology, for example network exam system, video frequency order programmer system and so on. What the article expatiate on is a schoolwork submitting system that is developed with J2EE technology on B/S frame. The schoolwork submitting system changes the fashion of submitting schoolwork for students and checking the schoolwork for teachers. It makes students to submit schoolwork easier and make the students’ workload and the teachers’ workload much less. It also improves teachers’ work efficiency and students’ study efficiency. The system is developed with JSP technology and mysql 5.0 databases. The people may choose three statuses that are student, teacher and administrator when they register. Student may upload information and submit schoolwork. Teacher may check schoolwork and release schoolwork. Administrator may release affiches and delete informations of students and teachers.
Keywords: schoolwork submitting system B/S frame JSP technology
1.引言 4
1.1 系统的开发背景 4
1.2 系统的开发目标 5
1.3 B/S结构简介 5
2. 系统的开发平台及技术 7
2.1 系统的开发平台详解 7
2.2 系统开发使用的技术详解 8
3.系统设计 14
3.1 系统需求分析 14
3.2 系统模块实现 16
3.2.1 初始化模块 17
3.2.2公共功能模块 17
3.2.3 教师功能模块 17
3.2.4 学生功能模块 18
3.2.5 管理员功能模块 19
3.3.数据库设计 20
3.4 用户使用手册 24
4. 总 结 25
参考文献 26
致 谢 27
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