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更新时间:2009-6-4:  来源:毕业论文




Semantic Analysis and Realization of the Search Language QL
Weifeng Gao
(Dept. of Computer and Information Science, Southwest Forestry College, Kunming, Yunan, 650224, China)

Abstract: This paper is based on theories knowledge of the database, compiler implementation, data construction and program design. It mainly makes use of the syntax phrasing system with translation principle to realize the semantic analysis of the search language QL. The semantic analysis is the fourth layer in the model of Independence Intelligent Property Right Database. It provides function interface to the upper level.
The paper has been realized that syntax analysis proceed at the same time with semantic analysis , including the type-checking, carrying out semantic actions. Language righteousness checked without any error, we can get table name and the corresponding fields names. The paper adopts the stack to realize calculating the logic expressions type. Through the value of the logic expressions, we can check whether conditions in the QL establish or not. And we pass the result to the tranction disposal layer which can deal with the right search. 
This paper realized the semantic analysis of the simple QL .Parts of algorithm which this paper designed is in general use. If we expand the definition of grammars to QL ,add the produce expressions and adopt the LR syntax analysis, it can realize the semantic analysis of the complex QL.

Key words: Independence Intelligent Property Right Database, Syntax Phrasing System with Translation Principle, Semantic Analysis

目  录
1 前言 1
2 概述 3
2.3 研究的意义 4
2.4 国内外研究现状及发展趋势 4
2.5 研究的内容 6
3 语义分析的理论依据 7
3.1 数据库设计背景 7
3.2 SQL 8
3.3 编译程序及语义分析 10
3.4 程序设计知识背景 13
4 系统设计 15
4.1 概要设计 15
4.2 功能设计 15
4.3 接口设计 16
5 实现 18
5.1 实现环境 18
5.2 分析出表名和列名的设计与实现 18
5.3 表达式计算的设计与实现 20
5.4 单表和多表查询的设计 21
6 总结与展望 23
6.1 总结 23
6.2 展望 23
参考文献 25
指导教师简介 26
致  谢 27
附  录 442

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