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公司网络拓扑图及公司网络建设 第2页

更新时间:2009-5-1:  来源:毕业论文
公司网络拓扑图及公司网络建设 第2页
Fiber-Optic Reflective Displacement Measuring System                                                              Author :                                                       Tutor  :

   Along with the information technology unceasing development, the information technology develops the more and more promoter action to the social progress and the national economy, and to the traditional thought idea, the work way brought the huge impact, the world already enters the information time. The network gradually enters all the various trades and occupation, its vital function appears day by day. As soon participates in the high tech competition the company enterprise, how faces the impact which the network time brings, how enhances the company using the network technology the management level and the grade of service, is important topic which very many enterprises faces. In the company enterprise interior network construction, I use the Chinese telecommunication the mature 1000000000000000 ether nets technology which provides as ISP, the interior use three structures, namely the core level, the exchange level and turn on the level, elects the network develops the plain structure is a star, through equipment and so on connection router, firewall, switchboard, server, workstation comes the skeleton network. Realizes VLAN during the implementation by the network software system and three switch boards to manage various administrative offices, the department, the engine room turns on the network management center, utilizes C/S the working pattern, the effective management staff has used the computer the time, the visit jurisdiction and so on, we uses the VPN technology in the design, satisfies outside the concerned staff travels on official business when promptly with the base company obtains the relation. Thus, may set up has the wide band circuit and the interactive function specialized local area network applies to the scholarly research, the management and the communication three big functions. Has the good expansion ability, will satisfy the next network development request. Key word: Router firewall switchboard VLAN wiring department Series . 随着信息技术的不断发展,信息技术对社会进步和国民经济发展起到越来越大的促进作用,并对传统的思想观念、工作方式带来巨大的冲击,世界已经进入信息化时代。网络逐步进入各行各业,其重要作用日益显现出来。作为即将参与高科技竞争的公司企业,如何面对网络时代带来的冲击,如何利用网络技术提高公司的管理水平和服务质量,是很多企业面临的重要课题。
关键词:路由器 防火墙 交换机 VLAN 布线系统

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