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Dynamips设计与分析-Dynamips及相关教学软件研究与设计 第7页

更新时间:2009-4-16:  来源:毕业论文
摘 要
本课题是Dynamips及相关教学软件研究与设计。本设计将在Dynamips的基础上,进一步分析理解Dynamips原理,优化设计Dynamips,并在此基础上,构造Cisco 7200高档路由,3600系列中档路由,2691低档路由的仿真平台,平台可以真实运行CISCO IOS软件,实现一个真实的网络教学环境,同时,同步开发网络拓朴设计、路由模块仿真等相关配套系统。
This program is about Dynamips and related teaching software research and design.It will be on the foundation of Dynamips , analyze understanding Dynamips principle further, optimize Dynamips,And on this foundation construct Cisco7200 High-scale router's, Cisco3600 Center-scale router's, Cisco2691 Low-scale router's emulation platform;This platform can be true to run the software of CISCO IOS,above realization a actual network teaching environment.At the same time develop the related supplemental systems such as network topology design,router module emulation and so on.
Dynamips analyses and designs analysis Dynamips how to realize to imitate Cisco router major by reading and making an analysis of Dynamips source code.Paper has analysed how to realize for Dynamips to Cisco7200 router major engines and modular,has described the communication layer protocol which is need toemulate,has described the realization method of each layer.
This paper particularly represent the whole processof how do Dynamips emulate the Cisco router firstly by reading Dynamips source code and then by Dynamips introduction ,the analysis of Cisco equipments which are need to emulate, the analysis of the communication layer protocol that needs emulation and the realization method of each layer.Through the analysis for Dynamips ,graspping Dynamips  how to realize to imitate Cisco router, is also better to know the principle of Dynamips , I have got deeper knowledge for Cisco router.Keywords: Dynamips; simulation

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