All of this thesises mainly introduced according to value management and company finance manage of basic theories, according to value of management and company the finance manage of management control, according to value management and company the finance manage an existent problem, according to value management and company the finance manage of counterplan and according to value management and company the finance manage of development direction.Company's managing is a many concepts of angles, multilayerses, creating value and value to carry out angle to see from the company, according to value of company's managing is the core that the company manages.Finance's managing is a company to manage of turn deeply with development, with the finance manage for direction, think finance conflict is the guest that the finance manages body, then announce to public a manifestation of finance conflict and put forward it to moderate a method, the aim is managing for the finance of perfect provide some suggestions.The article thinks that manage according to the company of value of the core is a finance to manage;According to value of the management control core is a finance control;Company's managing and anaging a control is a company of two big work point;Finance's managing to control with financme is a company the two greatest point missions of the finance.
Keyword:The company manages, according to value of the company manage, the finance manages, the management controls基于价值管理与公司的财务治理
摘 要
目 录
专题部分 基于价值管理与公司的财务治理 …………………………1
(一)基于价值管理 ………………………………………………… 1
(二)公司的财务治理 …………………………………………………2
(三)基于价值的公司治理 ……………………………………………4
(四)基于价值与公司财务治理的关系 ………………………………6
二、基于价值的管理与公司财务治理的管理控制……………………… 7
参考文献 …………………………………………………………………19
致 谢 ……………………………………………………………………250
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