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更新时间:2009-3-20:  来源:毕业论文

摘    要


关键词:债务重组 财务管理 直接融资


In recent years, our country went on the market company's debtreorganization to be day by day frequent, becomes in our countryeconomic life an important phenomenon, from this aroused the economywidespread interest. Theoritically speaking the standard debtreorganization to the economical development is advantageous, but wasactual in the debt reorganization process still has many problems toneed us to discuss. At present an our country economic restructuringkey question is the state-owned enterprise reform, how does the plateexactly state-owned enterprise, cause it to go out the trough,enhances the enterprise competitive ability, the social viewpoint notone. But generally speaking, must perform from enterprise's inside andoutside environment to analyze. But the debt reorganization is animportant strategy which explores from the external environment. Thisarticle on the debt reorganization background, the elementary theory,our country debt reorganization existence question and theconsummation our country debt reorganization measure, and thecorrelation case and so on the research analysis which makes.

Key word:   Debt reorganization,  financial  control,  direct financing. 目    录

专题部分  对债务重组问题的研究 …………………………………….1
(一) 债务重组的概念和内容………………………………………………3
(二) 债务重组的方法………………………………………………………4
三、我国债务重组存在的问题 ……………….……………………………5
(一) 错误的认识债务重组的作用…………………………………………5
(二) 为企业管理层贪污提供了条件………………………………………5
(三) 债务重组为粉饰报表的手段…………………………………………6
(四) 与债务重组的法律法规有待完善……………………………………6
(五) 社会保障体系尚未建立………………………………………………6
(优) 政府政策规范中存在很大的缺陷……………………………………6
四、完善我国债务重组的措施 ….…………………………………………7
(一) 合理的确定债务重组的对象和范围…………………………………7
(二) 加强监管力度…………………………………………………………7
(三) 完善会计管理体制……………………………………………………7
(四) 建立相应的中介机构…………………………………………………7
(五) 丰富完善债务重组准则………………………………………………8
(优) 建立健全社会保障体系………………………………………………8
(七) 加强债务重组准则的建设……………………………………………8
五、债务重组的案例分析  ……………………………………………… 11
优、债务重组的发展前景 …………………………………………………14
参考文献 …………………………………………………………………15
致   谢 .………………………………………………………………… 248

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