
论文摘 要
关键词:会计 教育 改革 发展


With our increasingly progressive pace of reform and development, along with socio-economic development, Accounting cause of the growing importance prominent in the socio-economic development among the urgent needs. Accounting cause of the long-term health is inseparable from the development of accounting education and the leading role. With the increasingly rapid economic development, China's accounting education corresponding adjustments and changes are inevitable. it is difficult for them to promote their own accounting education development and improvement. Accounting reform of the inevitability of the reform process, the principles of reform, starting this paper, and analyze issues and solve problems step-by-step accounting of our education reform, simple and straightforward were discussed.

Keywords:accounting reform  Development

目    录
专题部分  浅议我国高等会计教育改革... ... ... ... ...1
一、我国高等会计教育改革的必然性... ... ... ...1
二、我国高等会计教育改革的发展过程... ... ... .2
三、我国高等会计教育目前存在的主要问题... ...3
(一)会计教育环境问题... ... ... ... ... ... ...3
(二)会计学科体系问题... ... ... ... ... ... ...4
(三)会计专业课程设置问题... ... ... ... ... ...4
(四)教学活动的实施问题... ... ... ... ... ... ...5
(五)会计教育改革缺乏资金,急需增大教育投入... 6
四、我国高等会计教育改革的基本原则 ... ... ...6
(一)要与国内现实情况相结合. .. .. .. .. . .. .. ..6
(二)要与会计所面临的环境相适应.. . .. .. .. ..7
(三)要以正确的会计理论研究为导向..... .... ...8
五、我国高等会计教育改革的对策... ... ... ...8
(二)构建会计学科体系 划分会计教育层次... ......8
(三)会计教育中课程学科的设置....... .. .. . ...10
(四)运用信息技术 推动方法改革... ... ... ... ..11
(五)突出诚信教育 提高思想素质... ... ... ... ..12
(六)变应试教育为素质教育 培养符合需要的人才..12
(七)改革现有的考试制度... ... ... ... ... ...13
(八)完善考核和奖励机制... . . . . ... ... ... ...13
(九)增大教育投入 支持会计教育改革... ... ... .14
参考文献..... ..... ..... ... ... ..... ..... ....16
致   谢..... .... ... .... ... .. ..... ..... ... 246

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