


Company website design and application

Abstract:In Internet fast exhibition's today, the net adult takes, the cloth and the information important channel fast mutually, it in person politics, life and so on various aspects vital role. On Internet the cloth information is mainly passes the website, takes the information is also must in Internet “the sea” the information website which needs according to certain rope way high and low under. Therefore the website constructs the status which uses in Internet, but is easy, it has become the government, business matter position informationization to construct to become the part importantly, but time person's heavy. More visitors had understood that Our company's sentiment, enhances this company's popularity. Therefore, this company's website is essential.
Key words: Website design; management information system; ASP technology;
1  引言 1
1.1公司的商业模式分析 1
1.1.1战略目标 1
1.1.2目标客户 2
1.1.3核心能力 2
1.2 网站研究背景 2
1.3网站研究意义 2
1.4开发工具简介 3
1.4.1网页图像设计工具——Photoshop、Fireworks 3
1.4.2动画制作工具——Flash  MX 2004 3
1.4.3网页排版工具—— Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 3
2  可行性分析 4
2.1  B/S结构介绍 4
2.2 ACCESS 数据库 5
2.3  ASP技术 5
3  网站需求分析 6
3.1 总体功能需求分析 6
3.2 网站具体功能模块需求分析 6
3.2.1公司简介功能 6
3.2.2新闻资讯功能 6
3.2.3产品展示功能 6
3.2.4推荐产品功能 6
3.2.5在线订座功能 7
3.2.6人才招聘功能 7
3.2.7 联系我们功能 7
3.3 数据库概要结构设计 7
3.3.1 实体E-R图 7
3.3.2 网站E-R图 7
4  网站设计概要 8
4.1 网站简介 8
4.2 系统总体结构设计 8
4.3 数据库设计 9
4.3.1 数据库表设计 9
4.3.2 物理结构设计 11
5  人机界面设计 12
5.1 后台登录界面设计 12
6  部份源代码的实现 13
6.1 数据库接口代码实现 13
6.2 测试计划 15
7  总结与致谢 15
7.1 网站设计总结 15
7.2 致谢 209

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