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热电偶高温测量与大屏幕显示技术 第2页

更新时间:2008-12-24:  来源:毕业论文

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本设计采用热电偶作为测温元件,有键盘可预置温度的上下限,用单片机作为主控电路对温度信号进行加工。在正常温度范围内正常显示温度值,一旦超过温度的上限或下限立即报警以提醒操作者引起注意;而且为保证精度在温度超过1020 0C时单片机会控制继电器自动断开热电偶与后级电路的连接。本设计的另一个特点是应用大尺寸LED数码管显示温度值。

 关键词:单片机  K型热电偶  高温测量  MAX6675  冷端补偿  MAX7219 
大屏幕显示  三端集成稳压器  超限报警    温度预置

The design used as a thermocouple temperature measurement devices, the keyboard can be preset temperature of the upper and lower limits, using SCM as a temperature control circuit for signal processing. In normal temperature range of normal temperature display, once the temperature exceeds the upper or lower limit to report to alert the operator to draw attention, but also to ensure the accuracy of the temperature of over 1020 0C, SCM will automatically disconnect the control relay and after the thermocouple Circuit-level connections. Another feature of this design is the application of large-size LED digital display of temperature.

Key words: MCU K-type thermocouple cold-temperature measurements MAX6675                           compensation MAX7219 Large-screen display three-gauge Integration Regulators preset temperature alarm

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