厂商管理系统(ASP+SQL Server+ER图+功能模块图)
厂商管理系统(ASP+SQL Server+ER图+功能模块图)
论文摘 要
根据现代化公司的发展而设计的厂商一体化管理系统,其开发主要包括WEB数据库的建立和维护以及应用程序的开发两个方面。据此采用了ASP.NET、Microsoft SQL Server 2000、IIS等开发平台,通过对B/S结构、ASP.NET应用程序设计、MS SQL Server2000数据库管理系统、SQL语言原理、IIS服务器进行了较深入的学习和应用,主要完成对厂商一体化管理系统的需求分析、功能模块划分、数据库模式分析,并由此设计了WEB数据库结构和应用程序。最终完成了厂商管理模块的设计。程序系统运行结果证明,能够满足厂商对商品信息、库存信息和销售信息的添加、删除、修改、查询、统计等的在线管理。这些信息包括商品信息、库存信息、销售信息等。
Is unceasingly thorough along with our country reform and open policy,the economical rapid development, the enterprise needs to want to survive, the development, must want in the intense market competition neutrality to the invincible position, not to have modernized the management is not good. The merchant management system management system carries on the comprehensive automated management to the warehouse cargo. Speeds up the merchant management automation the step, enhances the merchant the management handling of traffic efficiency, establishes the merchant integration management system
management system to change extremely essential.The company manage system is designed base on the developing of modern company. The main development include two parts, setting-up WEB database and maintenance application program. So we chose several developing platforms such as ASP.NET , Microsoft SQL Server 2000 , IIS ,etc. After program design of ASP.NET and B/S, deep study and application of MS SQL Server2000 database management system , SQL language principle , IIS server, complete demand analysis , function module dividing , database mode to the administrative system of trading company to, and has designed structure of the database and application program fallow this. The systematic operation result proving, system can suit for company manage information of sell and information of buy ‘s adding , deletion , fixing , inquiring about , counting , etc.Key word: Company;Managed System;Brower/Server;WEB Database 145
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