差错控制编码解决加性噪声 第13页
差错控制编码解决加性噪声 第13页
BCH Codes
Coding Theory deals with transmission of data over noisy channels. When transmitting digital data, which consists of strings of 0's and 1's, a physical device may for a number of reasons confuse these entries. For example, the Voyager II space probe which explored Jupiter in the late 1960's was transmitting data across many millions of miles with incredibly low power. When the information reached earth its easy to see how there could be errors in the data string received, either from bursts of cosmic energy or by amplification of the weak signal. To make this communication possible there needed to be a method of detecting errors in the transmission and correcting them. The process that made this possible is known as the Reed-Solomon codes. These codes are a specific type of code called a BCH code. These are the structures we wish to explore here.
To understand BCH codes we must understand the basics of cyclic codes, an important class of codes in which the BCH codes dwell. Here are some important definitions about codes in general.
Definition 1 Given a code
The strings, or
The value of a code depends on the ability to detect and correct errors in a transmission. This process is called decoding. To decode a message we often use a matrix.
Definition 2 The check matrix is the decoding function of a code
A received message is multiplied by the check matrix. We will see a specific example of a check matrix when we discuss decoding a BCH code. For now, we can define the product of the received message and the check matrix.
Definition 3 The syndrome is the vector obtained after multiplying the received message by the check matrix. The length of the syndrome vector will determine how many errors a given BCH code can correct.
The bounds for error detection and correction depend on the distance between vectors in the codespace of
Definition 4 Take two codewords
For example, using binary the vectors
Theorem 1 Let
Definition 5 The Hamming weight of a vector
In other words, it is the number of nonzero places in the codeword. With these basic definitions we are ready to define the cyclic class of codes.
Linear and Cyclic Codes
Cyclic codes fall under the category of codes called linear codes.
Definition 6 A linear code of dimension
The row-space of the following matrix forms a
Notice that there are 4 ones in each row.
Any binary n-vector can be thought of as the coeffiecients of an
Given a linear code the following proposition is clear.
Proposition 1 Let
There are many different varieties of linear codes, such as the well known Hamming codes. We now want to consider a brand of linear codes called cyclic codes. Then we will define BCH codes, which are a specific type of cyclic code
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