设计与动态数据交换技术应用研究 第2页

可视化组态的啤酒生产工艺流程监控系统设计与动态数据交换技术应用研究 第2页




关键词:力控6.0;MATLAB7.1; 啤酒生产;监控; 动态数据交换


 The Forcecontrol configuration software is a supervision system in the automatic control system .In this article the configuration software Forcecontrol 6.0 is mainly used for beer production process automation with sufficient flexibility, precision control of the process.At the same time  Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) technology is used to establish communications between MATLAB and the configuration software. In this way, the configuration software can generate friendly interactive human-machine interface, complete the complex control algorithms, can be completed the lack of weaknesses of the configuration software algorithms ,based on the computational ability of MATLAB. The monitoring quality of Forcecontrol canbe improved more.


Key words: Forcecontrol 6.0; MATLAB7.1; Beer production, Monitoring and control, Dynamic data exchange(DDE)

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