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基于VHDL语言的FIR滤波器设计 第9页

更新时间:2008-5-26:  来源:毕业论文

基于VHDL语言的FIR滤波器设计 第9页

 elsif z>=40   then d(7 downto 4):="0100"; z:=z-40;

   elsif z>=30   then d(7 downto 4):="0011"; z:=z-30;

   elsif z>=20   then d(7 downto 4):="0010"; z:=z-20;

   elsif z>=10   then d(7 downto 4):="0001"; z:=z-10;

   else               d(7 downto 4):="0000";

end if;


if       z>=9   then d(3 downto 0):="1001";

   elsif z>=8   then d(3 downto 0):="1000";

   elsif z>=7   then d(3 downto 0):="0111";

   elsif z>=6   then d(3 downto 0):="0110";

   elsif z>=5   then d(3 downto 0):="0101";

   elsif z>=4   then d(3 downto 0):="0100";

   elsif z>=3   then d(3 downto 0):="0011";

   elsif z>=2   then d(3 downto 0):="0010";

   elsif z>=1   then d(3 downto 0):="0001";

   else              d(3 downto 0):="0000";

end if;


end process;

end one;



library  ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity xian is

port(ain: in std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);

     clk3:in std_logic;

     chs:out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);

     result:out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)


end xian;

architecture aa of xian is

signal resultz,resulto,resultt,resulte,resultf,resultv: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

signal sel,seo,set,see,sef:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

signal ch:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);


sel<=ain(3 downto 0);

seo<=ain(7 downto 4);

set<=ain(11 downto 8);

see<=ain(15 downto 12);

sef<=ain(19 downto 16);



if sel="0000" then resultz<="00111111";

elsif sel="0001" then resultz<="00000110";

elsif sel="0010" then resultz<="01011011";

elsif sel="0011" then resultz<="01001111";

elsif sel="0100" then resultz<="01100110";

elsif sel="0101" then resultz<="01101101";

elsif sel="0110" then resultz<="01111101";

elsif sel="0111" then resultz<="00000111";

elsif sel="1000" then resultz<="01111111";

elsif sel="1001" then resultz<="01101111";

else resultz<="00000000";

end if;

if seo="0000" then resulto<="00111111";

elsif seo="0001" then resulto<="00000110";

elsif seo="0010" then resulto<="01011011";

elsif seo="0011" then resulto<="01001111";

elsif seo="0100" then resulto<="01100110";

elsif seo="0101" then resulto<="01101101";

elsif seo="0110" then resulto<="01111101";

elsif seo="0111" then resulto<="00000111";

elsif seo="1000" then resulto<="01111111";

elsif seo="1001" then resulto<="01101111";

else resulto<="00000000";

end if;

if set="0000" then resultt<="00111111";

elsif set="0001" then resultt<="00000110";

elsif set="0010" then resultt<="01011011";

elsif set="0011" then resultt<="01001111";

elsif set="0100" then resultt<="01100110";

elsif set="0101" then resultt<="01101101";

elsif set="0110" then resultt<="01111101";

elsif set="0111" then resultt<="00000111";

elsif set="1000" then resultt<="01111111";

elsif set="1001" then resultt<="01101111";

else resultt<="00000000";

end if;

if see="0000" then resulte<="00111111";

elsif see="0001" then resulte<="00000110";

elsif see="0010" then resulte<="01011011";

elsif see="0011" then resulte<="01001111";

elsif see="0100" then resulte<="01100110";

elsif see="0101" then resulte<="01101101";

elsif see="0110" then resulte<="01111101";

elsif see="0111" then resulte<="00000111";

elsif see="1000" then resulte<="01111111";

elsif see="1001" then resulte<="01101111";

else resulte<="00000000";

end if;

if sef="0000" then resultf<="00111111";

elsif sef="0001" then resultf<="00000110";

elsif sef="0010" then resultf<="01011011";

elsif sef="0011" then resultf<="01001111";

elsif sef="0100" then resultf<="01100110";

elsif sef="0101" then resultf<="01101101";

elsif sef="0110" then resultf<="01111101";

elsif sef="0111" then resultf<="00000111";

elsif sef="1000" then resultf<="01111111";

elsif sef="1001" then resultf<="01101111";

else resultf<="00000000";

end if;

end process;





end if;

if ch<="000" then


elsif ch<="001" then


elsif ch<="010" then


elsif ch<="011" then


elsif ch<="101" then



elsif ch<="110" then


elsif ch<="111" then


end if;

end process;


end aa;



library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;


entity jiequ is

  port(shuru:in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);


end jiequ;

architecture jie of jiequ is


shuchu<=shuru(15 downto 8);    

end jie;

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基于VHDL语言的FIR滤波器设计 第9页下载如图片无法显示或论文不完整,请联系qq752018766
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