机械厂35/6KV总降压变电所设计 第4页

宏伟机械厂35/6KV总降压变电所设计 第4页

The Hong –Wei metallurgy mechanical factory

Switchyard distribution system design




The industrial enterprise supplies power is supply of meaning the necessary electric energy of the factory and distribution question. As everyone knows, the electric energy already easy to change by other electric energy of form, easy to change into other energy of form apt to supply spending, its transport and simple economy of distribution process automation, so, it is extensive that the electric life. Thus do a good job of supplying power in the industrial enterprise to develop to the whole industrial production, realize the industrial modernization has very important meaning. Factory is it designs to be whole important component of factory design to supply power, factory quality designed to supply power influence the production and development of the factory, as personnel that engaged in supplying power in the factory, necessary to understand and grasp factory not to supply power the relevant knowledge designed, in order to meet the need of the design work.

Is it step down to “the  Hong Wei” metallurgy mechanical factory switchyard distribution system design in one’s power always to design originally, theoretical foundation that design originally to “supply power technology”, is it study to visit on the spot through Tai-Yuan heavy-duty machinery ling electric power system. Collect various kinds of data, according to “systematic design specification of the distribution with supplying power of industry civilly” of the national standard, and is following: Proceed from the overall situation, make overall plans, according to load nature, electricity, project characteristic and idea of the regional condition of power supply, choose the design plan rationally. “Treating the copper with the aluminum” gets abundant embodiment too in this design proceeds from the angle of economizing energy.


Key Words:  It is technological to supply power, Distribution line, Relay protection, Qualify for the next round of competitions and protect








关键词  供电技术;配电线路;变电所;继电保护;出线保护

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