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确定透镜焦面的系统设计 第2页

更新时间:2008-4-13:  来源:毕业论文

 确定透镜焦面的系统设计 第2页


MOV  DPTR#adr3:8253 控制口   LOOPINC DPTR

MOV A#35H      T0模式二           MOV A@R0

MOVX@DPTR,A                           MOVX@DPTR,


MOV A,#75H        :T1模式二            INC  R0

MOVX@DPTR,A                            MOV A,@R0

MOV A,#OB3H       :T2模式一            MOVX @DPTR


MOVX@DPTRA                           INC  R0

MOV DPTR #adr 0-1                        DJNZ R7 LOOP

MOV  R7#03H                           RET


SETB P1.1CLR P1.1);决定电机运行方向

CLR  P1.0

LCALL YSH:延时10ms:产生负脉冲,使电机启动


The design to the system of determining lens focal plane


Lens focal focus is the important parameter to determine the relation of object-image. At the same time, whether the focus of lens is precise or not will directly influence the whole lens of optics system. In order to accurately measure the focus of lens, the position of focal plane must be firstly determined. In traditional methods which are full of error and lack of efficiency, the focal plane is interpreted. To avoid these shortcomings of traditional methods and achieve the auto-measurement of focal plane, based on the measured focal length of lens of light-utensil seat, the phenomenon of eyes used as the receiver was replaced by linear CCD. And based on the theory of point spread function, the automatic measurement system was designed. The system design of the complete procedures of measure focal plan and a computer- step motor interface circuit and complete step motor control procedures. This system can analyze data acquisition from CCD by computers and send results to step motors thus driving CCD to realize fast and

accurate determination to lens plane. 

KeywordS: CCD Focal plane Technique for Focal Plane step motor

确定透镜焦面的系统设计 第2页




关键词:CCD ;焦面; 焦面判读;步进电机;

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