



Research on Sub-band Speech Coding Based on bandwidth  Scalability




再对子带滤波器组中常用的正交镜像滤波器组(QMF)进行原理分析,信号合成与分解的角度分析其原理,根据误差的构成及消除方法,针对滤波器的特性, 在现有正交镜像滤波器组的设计方法的基础上,提出一种改进的蚁群算法对滤波器系数进行优化的算法。实验结果表明,优化后QMF组的重建误差控制在2%以内,表明该方法的有效性。





关键词:带宽可伸缩语音编码器  子带结构  正交镜像滤波器组 蚁群算法 G..729


For the different requirement of various multimedia communication conditions, the heterogeneity exists in multimedia communication and wireless network. In order to adapt different bandwidth resources and the network environment correspondence demand, each kind of multimedia information hoped has the scalable flexibility. Speech scalable coding is widely considered to be a good scheme for multimedia communication under different conditions. In the speech expandable code aspect, at present already proposed the many kinds of scalable coding plans, also have the corresponding international standards.

   This paper first study the situation of bandwidth scalable coding in domestic and foreign, introduce its code principle and the structure in detail, then analysis the bandwidth scalable scheme and the related technology mainly will be the sub-band structure.

    Then through the research to Quadrature Mirror Filter banks of subband filter banks, we analyzes its principle from the signal’s synthesis and decomposition angle, according to erroneous constitution and elimination method, proposed one kind of improvement ant colony algorithm to optimize the filter coefficients optimize in view of filter’s characteristic. The experimental result indicated that the reconstruction error of QMF banks after optimization is controlled in 2%,indicates this method the validity.

In the face of the present situation that the sub-band structure bandwidth scalable coding high frequency signal lacks the good solution, makes the improvement and the fusion existing advanced algorithm to its scheme enhances one kind of new design, carries on the test through the partial simulations experiment.

Finally, pointed out the deficiency of the scheme and what question needs further study, and forecast bandwidth scalable coding.


Key words: bandwidth scalable speech coder  sub-band  QMF  ACA  G..729

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