Visual Studio C#.NET+SQL Server公交信息系统 第11页

The Design And Contents of The Electronics Map

Wu Jianzhong


Summary  This paper analyzed the actual need of the electronics map customer, discussing the design principle of the electronics map, and means the contents carries on the analysis and summary to the electronics map.

Keyword  The electronics map, map design, multimedia

1 Lead Speech

The electronics map is the outcome of that the electronics technique and the graphics theories combine together, it lies the quality diagram with traditional paper to compare, having obvious superiority .The Multimedia technique ,can see to turn to get involved technically, make the performance contents of the electronics map more abundant with the image .Because the data is saving to mean with data that separate mutually, make the manifestation of the electronics map sketch have very strong dynamic state characteristic, can read map to melt to put together with creation, bring the all new concept of the map graphics from here .Currently, international community all Be developing competitively with produce each from of the electronics map product, in recent years there are also not a few electronics map products in domestic publish, the use and function of the electronics map along with science development of technical progress and society economy but increasingly perfect, more and more electronics map products walked to go into usually common people's family.

2 The design principle of the electronics map

Because the electronics map and paper lie the quality diagram to present a way, information to carry a body, read the diagram environment etc. To exist many differences in the color .Therefore, the design of the electronics map since want to follow the design principle that the paper lies the quality diagram, and then want well a characteristics of consider the oneself to satisfy the design request of the electronics map.

2.1 characteristics of the electronics map

The electronics map takes numerical map as foundation, and can see to turn a product by many medium manifestation data. The electronics map and paper lie the quality diagram to compare, show the characteristic of the most is the data is saving the manifestation separates mutually with the data, feel aspect in the sense of vision, the electronics map is an activity of interactive, and can carry on an expression with the form of various medium .The new characteristics of the electronics map mainly has a few aspects as follows:

2.1.1 Present situation

The electronics map manifestation the latest fact .The geography phenomenon cans be true with various variety of special subject information and reflects quickly on the electronics map.

2.1.2 Dynamic state

The electronics map can solid hour ,the dynamic state earth's surface is a space information now .The geography phenomenon's development variety in time can carry on the dynamic state reflection, the static state phenomenon can pass flicker ,change gradually ,animation etc. the means carry on a dynamic state reflection.

2.1.3 Hand over with each other sex

The electronics map emphasizes the information hands over with each other sex to obtain with the manifestation .The customer uses the electronics map, can with logarithms according to of importation, edit, show etc. carries on an operation, the graphics process with merge into an integral whole with the diagram process.

2.1.4 Super medium characteristic

The electronics map can the applied super medium technique carry out diagram, text, voice to repair with each other. The customer can pass the usage customer interface importation, creation, operation and output information. Such as writing, picture, voice and video frequency etc., the way that obtains an information is quick more, keep a view, vivid.

2.2 design principle of the electronics maps

Customer to the reaction of the electronics map, first is as to it's the reaction of the function, seeing it can satisfy to use a diagram request; be the reaction that appreciates beauty aspect secondly, see the whole result of the diagram whether beauty. The electronics map has to be taken a look at on the screen, as a result be subjected to the calculator screen to explain a rate and can see scope etc. the influence compare greatly, and the different use request to the contents that the electronics map mean and also do not fulfill a homology, so the electronics map has to be designed respectively according to the different application. Total of to say, the design of the electronics map should follow a few principles as follows:

2.2.1 Function

A good map work, use in spite of what carry a body, have to use a door an ability convenient obtain various information need fast.

2.2.2 Legibility

The diagram noodles of the electronics map should compare the traditional paper quality diagram to design of more simple and direct, clear, read easily. If a map, the contents design very reasonable, abundant, but the visual effect is miscellaneous disorderly have no a chapter, so, its map design end can be treated as failure of.

2.2.3 Use convenience

The user of the electronics map, a lot of isn't a graphics expert, is not the software usage either superior, this customer interface that will beg the electronics map to have already kept a view, simple operation step.

2.3 contents of the electronics map designs

The design of the electronics map includes the system design and the technique design two greatly part of. The system design is the foundation of the electronics map design, is the design of the electronics map existence environment. The main contents includes the data process design, software design, hardware of the electronics map to install valuation etc. of design and system.

The technique design is the key of the electronics map design. The main contents has the overall design, mathematics foundation design, the contents design, sign design, data of the electronics map to save the management design, manifestation technique design, and the sketch picture handle to design and calculate way etc..

T    The contents design that mainly aims at the electronics map here carries on analysis. The contents design is an establishment in a kind of design of the use and the environment foundation: The map is reflection some one region objective environment. Therefore graphics have to know object deeply. Then can reflect object better The district range of research involves a various problem of the politics ,military, economy and natural environment, the data use is extensive very, design want to make sure to mean which contents, mean to what detailed degree. For example want to mean highway, can is divided into highway according to environment characteristics in district and the map use the superhighway, National Freeway, the province way and County Road etc..

3 The electronics map means a contents

The capacity of the map is limited, impossible mean all objects and phenomenon of the ground all, how build up unify to a great deal of data and the data of concept model, the completion is a to need the problem that the point resolve to the valid and reasonable reflection of the electronics map contents.

The traditional paper lies the quality diagram, data of saving mean to merge into an integral whole with data, the map contents is the fusion of the multi-layer sketch in the demonstration of the paper noodles, is various customer to need a contents of and gather, so the map design the personnel have to raise the map diagram noodles to carry negative quantity as far as possible.  For the electronics map but speech, carry the negative quantity isn't a key problem, can see a concrete circumstance to carry on the manifestation exportation with the methods, such as classification, ratings and layering...etc. The electronics map means the contents really settles to mainly be decided by its use, data and the data circumstance and geography environment characteristics etc.

3.1 The classification of the electronics map main factor

The electronics map main factor the entity that have mutually congeniality gather and its numerical sketch mean. Will mutually the entity of the congeniality induce together. The numerical form and screen sketch form that counteract an assurance add in token of, be called electronics map main factor. For example will have a railroad, highway, big car road, bridge .etc. of go through the function to gather to call it as the road of the electronics map to want to search.

The classification of the electronics map main factor. The property and use that usually is the thing or phenomenon that press objective world carry on divide the line of, and have already become standard, this main body is the map diagram type and norm of various scale now in. The electronics map and numerical map have to accept up the under of near concern, therefore, the main factor of the electronics map classification should and the main factor of the numerical map classification consistent.

The electronics map main factor makes use of its tribute information, several information, to rush toward the information and the assistance information to carry on a description, these information use data as to carry a body. The attribute information is the information that describes the electronics map to want the search classification ratings and the quality quantity characteristic; Several information foot electronics map main factor space positions with several the information of the sketch; rushing toward an information is description with the crunodes, the segment and the noodles area represent of the map main factor abutment, connection, include etc. the information of relation; Lend support to the information means in addition to the attribute information, several information ,and rush toward an information of. The information of the basis effective demand, for example the color, ash degree, the line type flicker, elucidation etc..

3.2 The assurance of the electronics map contents

The electronics map the contents that need to be mean mainly includes a few aspects as follows:

3.2.1 The reflection of the objective world

The objective realistic world includes the natural geography main factor and social economic main factor.

The natural geography main factor includes ocean, the land water to fasten, the geography and land plant a quilt etc. The ocean main factor that the electronics map means up, mainly include the coast and the bottom of sea geography, sometimes also mean the ocean current, current, the bottom of sea bottom quality and ice boundary, sail marking at the sea etc., the land water fastens to include the river, take, reservoir and garden pond and order the form water to fasten sign, water to fasten the adjunct and water to fasten to note to record mainly etc. The soil quality with plant a quilt is the object that a kind of noodles form distribute, in common usably type the boundary, the elucidation sign, dead color and elucidation note to record to match each other to match to mean. The request of the geography that the map means up mainly has an appearance characteristic of reflect the geography, meaning a different type of geography and distributing a characteristics, have can measurement, display stereoscopic feeling etc. in ground, usually adopt a contour line in maps method, layering to establish a dizzy method of the color method and geography to mean.

The social economic main factor includes residents' ground, transportation net, state etc. Residents' ground center place that is mankind to live and carry on various activity, should mean a quality characteristic of shape, building of residents' ground, the administration grade and population few etc. The transportation net is the generic name of various transportation, it includes the land transportation, water road transportation, air transportation and pipeline to transport several etc. On the map should the exactitude mean the type and grade, position and shape of the transportation net, go through degree and transport ability and other main factor of relation etc. The state classifieds into the area state and other state. The area state includes national boundary(have already settle, undecided, province, autonomous region, central and direct jurisdiction city boundary, autonomy state, alliance, direct jurisdiction city boundary, county, autonomy County, ensign boundary etc.; Other state includes region field, cease fire line boundary and forbids area boundary etc..

3.2.2 The special subject

It is objective to the relevant population, income, work agriculture production value, the transportation condition and the other with the juice data and document etc. of the abstract thing, know together as a special subject information.

In the electronics map, the special subject main factor can adopt the form of the special subject diagram to mean. Can also ask for help the multimedia technique and the animation technique to carry on the manifestation exportation.

3.2.3 Analyze, programming and the estimate result etc.

Carry on to the natural main factor of the objective existence and the phenomenon of the abstraction analysis, can analysis result manifestation is the special subject diagram and the form of the animation, if see through analysis, the slope ascent to analysis, soil analysis, geography analysis etc..

The building, road, street etc. of the programming can adopt various forms to carry on a manifestation in the electronics map; Predict the result can also adopt the dynamic state map,3D model and animation form etc. to carry on a description. such as city planning, weather forecast.

4 What time viewpoint

The calculator and electronics technical development and applied, make the map learn to take place the graveness change, change the production of the traditional map and apply mode, make the traditional emulation map learn into the numerical map of the modern to learn. But should also see sword, the design principle and method of the electronics map still don't to the utmost have such as the place of[with] person's idea, needing to be further perfect; Mean the electronics map a contents to haven't yet become standard, the production existence of the electronics map didn't unify standard, being in need of the norm that should obey, each kind of product is miscellaneous disorderly have no the situation of the chapter; The electronics map product can't also satisfy the need of the customer completely. Design aspect in the customer interface, exist too professional tendency turn, should humanize more, person's machine hands over with each other function to also need further to build up; Mean aspect in the contents of the electronics map, exist to pursue an overall problem too, should Be satisfying the premise of its use under, as far as possible simple, understand, convenient user analysis, search; Moreover, the electronics map to soft, the dependence of the hardware environment is very strong, needing to use paper to lie the quality diagram still at some special situations, therefore still needing to consider the result that it sprays to draw diagram while design the electronics map. Be showed from this, the need that gave or get an electric shock map to need from the customer set out, taking into continuously perfect, and press the person's understanding mental reasonable to make sure it means a contents.

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