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delphi7+SQL Server2000档案资料管理息管理系统 第5页

更新时间:2007-10-12:  来源:毕业论文





The information management is carries on the collection, the reorganization, depositing to the information, is advantageous for other people to withdraw and the use activity fast, but is solves organization's environment problem to carry on the development plan, the control integration, the use one kind of strategic management to the information resource. Not only its object is the information, but also includes with the information concerned person, the organization, the equipment environment and so on, takes the information the resources, from technical, the organization, in the manpower three factor unions carries on the management.And achieves its synthesis management information through the realization resources effective disposition the goal.

Frist. Information management developing process

The information management has mainly experienced the material object management, the technical management, the resource management three times.In this foundation, Professor Qiu average proposed the information management four development phase: The information management only plays the preserved literature carrier role primary information management time, take library work as foundation tradition information management time, take information system as main characteristic technical management time, take information resource management as characteristic information resource management time. But regarding now the economic integration, the globalization trend of development, the information content form too is unitary, closeness strongly in view of the tradition information management in, the information resource development lacks insufficiencies and so on elasticity, the artificial intelligence, the network and the knowledge discovered the technology then analyzes the humanity the information, the process information level enhances to a new altitude. Therefore, the recent generation of information management thought and the method arise at the historic moment.Among them, the prominent performance is three major basic tendencies: Integrated informationization, network intellectualization, human this knowledge-based.

Second. Information management trend of development

1. Integrated informationization

The informationization is the dynamic process and the result which the modern information technology and the social various domains and each stratification plane affect mutually.The informationization content is very rich, including information processing computerizing, information application popularity, information contribution socialization and information cover scope aspects and so on globalization.Through management informationization, unceasing application information technology, thorough development and application information resource.Because the visualization may code the knowledge and recessiveness cannot code the knowledge majority to come from to the information gain and the processing, only then the full informationization, can cause the information management to be more effective.But integrates the informationization, is not the information various part of simple linearity superimposition, but is the information intriguing, difficult minute each other blending in the same place.The integrated informationization, including the overall optimization and under the overall optimization premise partial optimization, we may divide approximately it into certain levels:Each application subsystem after in process and function integration, human, technical and management integration, even includes the organization the related integration.The integrated informationization realization obtains the information and the information technology comprehensive support, thus promotes each kind of management and the policy-making activity, and increased the income for the organization, reduces the cost, the enhancement competitive power, obtains the more market opportunity to make the important contribution. Through the data analysis system, the information analysis system, the information provides the system constitution integration highly effective information management system, founded one for the information dissemination and sharing simple and the quick channel.

2. Intelligent network

Because traditional intelligent network information system is based on individual business systems development, and the development of different systems and ways of development of the degree of compliance with the norms

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