基于Web的电子商城管理系统悠悠电子商城后台设计与实现 第2页


Since the 90's of 20 centuries, the calculator network technique has been  developping so fast, the information handles with delivered the breakthrough time with the restrict of the region, the calculator network turns to turn with the economic world the current that have become can't converse.Turn along with the economic integral whole in world to turn the progress with the world quickly, the electronic commerce is used as the new economic marking to also start appearing, and can fast fierce development.

This text expatiates a net to design on backstage part of and parts of stages of the shopping system, adopting the latest B/ S( browser/ server) technique configuring, realizing real business centralized management, attain the zero system maintenance.The adoption ASP technique combines together with the database of SQL Server development this system.The ASP is a page technique that server carry, carry( the server of Web) to circulate in the server, but not carry to carry out at the customer.When the customer requests an ASP document, explaining first that document from the server standard HTML, then send out to the customer.This system used the in common use script in inside in ASP language VBScript is two kinds of with the JavaScript.Although ASP oneself of the function is already very strong and big,, realizes to the some special result( if development manifestation time), still JavaScript comparison convenience.


Key phrase:B/S mode



 SQL Server 




现在购物网站众多,要使自己的网站能够有一席之地,就必须做到系统功能强大,界面美观,方便用户,而且商品要定位准确,满足用户的需要。系统采用最新的B/S(浏览器/服务器)技术架构,实现真正的业务集中管理,做到零系统维护。采用ASP技术与SQL Server数据库相结合开发本系统。当用户请求一个ASP文件时,由服务器先把该文件解释成标准的HTML,再发送给客户。本系统使用了ASP中常用的脚本语言VBScriptJavaScript两种。




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