




经过分析,由于Delphi 在开发数据库前端对数据库的强大支持能力及其具有的简洁明快的编程语言、功能强大的组件、灵活方便的编程环境和提供的窗体对快速原型开发的支持,我们以Borland公司的BORLAND DELPHI 6.0作为前端开发工具,以 Microsoft SQL Server 2000作为后台数据库开发工具,系统采用C/S结构。本文以一个企业进销存系统的分析、设计和开发的全过程为主线,给出了企业进销存系统的设计和技术实现过程。

关键词:企业进销存系统   数据库   组件   窗体   C/S结构

Design and Implementation of Stock Sale System

Ding Yang

(Dept. of Computer and Information Science, Southwest Forestry College, Kunming, Yunnan, 650224, China)

Abstract: Enterprise stock sale system is a typical management information system. Its development mainly includes supporter foundation and maintains of the backstage database, and the development of application program of the forestage .As to the former one, it’s required to set up a consistency and integrality strong, security kind database, and as well as the completed application program function and easy characteristic of usage to the later one.

   As a result of analyzing, because of Delphi’s strong support ability to the database while developing the forestage and succinct and lucid programming language, powerful component, flexible and convenient programming environment and the offered support of window body that develops the fast prototype, We decide to use Borland Delphi 6.0 of Borland Company as the developing instrument of forestage together with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as backstage supporter. The system adopts C/S structure. This text takes a main shaft of analyzing and designing the stock sale system of the enterprise, provides a design and technological procedure of the stock sale system.

Keywords: Enterprise Stock-Sale System    Database   Component   Form    C/S Architecture

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