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更新时间:2016-11-13:  来源:毕业论文

柚子皮姜茶的研制毕业论文 摘要:柚子皮具有暖胃、化痰、润喉等食疗作用,和红茶一起煮饮可纾解发汗、治伤风感冒。生姜属药食两用生物资源,味辛、性温,具有发汗解表、温中止呕、温肺止咳等功效。本课题以柚子皮、生姜、红茶为主要原料,制作柚子皮姜茶饮料。结果表明,柚子皮的浸提条件,以温度100℃、时间20min、料液比1:10时所得柚皮汁口感柔和,柚香浓郁,色泽橙黄,品质最好。鲜姜经榨汁机制取姜汁的方式明显优于加水浸提的取汁方式;澄清姜汁时,α-淀粉酶的最佳酶解条件是:先调整生姜原汁的pH为6.0,再按1.5 mL/L的用量加入2%淀粉酶液,在60℃的温度下,保温处理30 min。采用模糊数学感官评价法,确定柚子皮姜茶饮料的配比为:柚子皮(1:10)浸提液12.5%、姜汁5%、红茶(1:55)浸提液20%、蜂蜜3%、白砂糖6%。


Development of Grapefruit Skin Ginger Tea
Abstract:Grapefruit peel has much dietetic functionality, such as warming stomach, reducing  phlegm, wetting throat. Together with black tea in boiling water, grapefruit peel can also relieve perspiration, cure colds. Ginger is a food and medicine of dual-use biological resources, with spicy, warm, diaphoresis, stoping vomit and cough, warming the lung and other effects. The topics in grapefruit peel, ginger, black tea as the main raw material, is making the grapefruit peel ginger tea. The results showed that: grapefruit skin extraction conditions is the temperature 100 ℃, time 20min, solid-liquid ratio 1:10 grapefruit skin juice then it tastes the best. Fresh ginger juice mechanisms by way of taking ginger mashed superior organizational approach; When clarifying ginger, α-amylase starch hydrolysis optimum conditions are: first adjust ginger juice of pH 6.0, and then 1.5 mL / L amount(concentration of 2%), at a temperature of 60℃, heat treatment 30 min. We use fuzzy mathematics method of sensory evaluation experiment. The results showed that, the grapefruit peel ginger tea to determine the ratio of: grapefruit skin (1:10) extract 12.5%, 5% of ginger, black tea (1:55) extract 20%, 3% of honey, sugar 6%.

Key words:ginger;grapefruit skin;color protection;clarify;ginger tea beverage
目  录
1 绪论 1
1.1 柚子皮 1
1.1.1 柚子皮的化学成分及生理功能 1
1.1.2 柚子皮的开发利用 2
1.2 生姜 2
1.2.1 生姜的化学成分及生理功能 2
1.2.2 生姜的开发利用 3
1.3 茶 4
1.4 本课题的立题背景、研究内容及意义 5
2 材料与方法 6
2.1 材料与试剂 6
2.2 仪器与设备 6
2.3 实验方法 7
2.3.1 生姜出汁率的计算: 7
2.3.2 柚子皮姜茶的研制 7
2.3.3 可溶性固形物含量的测定 8
2.3.4 柚子皮浸提液的感官评定 8
2.3.5 茶浸提液的感官评定 9
2.3.6 柚子皮姜茶模糊数学感官评定 9
3 结果与讨论 11
3.1 姜汁的提取、护色与澄清 11
3.1.1 生姜取汁方法的确定 11
3.1.2 姜汁的护色研究 12
3.1.3 姜汁的酶法澄清 13
3.2 柚子皮的浸提 16
3.3 茶汁的制备 17
3.4 柚子皮姜茶饮料的调配 18
3.4.1柚子皮姜茶饮料的配比初筛 19
3.4.2 柚子皮姜茶饮料的配比确定 21
4 结论 24
致  谢 25
参考文献 26,3648

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