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更新时间:2016-11-8:  来源:毕业论文

胶体对再制干酪品质的影响研究 摘要:以美国无盐切达干酪为主要原料,以乳酸为酸化剂,研究在不同胶体:黄原胶、卡拉胶、CMC、明胶制成的再制干酪在不同乳酸添加量(6‰,12‰,18‰)和不同胶体添加量(3‰,6‰,9‰,12‰)条件下品质上的变化。对制得的样品进行了水分含量测试、水分活度测试、质构分析和感官测定。实验结果表明,从质构角度看,加酸量越大,添加黄原胶和CMC的再制干酪硬度越高,添加卡拉胶和明胶的再制干酪硬度越低;胶体含量越高,再制干酪的硬度越大,而且各胶体所制成的再制干酪硬度大小排序为:黄原胶>CMC>卡拉胶>明胶。从感官评价来看,过高的加酸量会使再制干酪呈现较强的粒感和较差的涂抹性。但在同一加酸量情况下,使用不同的胶体会有相当大的差异,CMC>卡拉胶>黄原胶>明胶;在CMC添加量为6‰时最能被大众接受。本文来自优/文\论"文|网,毕业论文 www.chuibin.com 加7位QQ324~9114找原文

关键字:再制干酪;胶体;胶体添加量;加酸量 关注人的心理感受城市公共广场设计开题报告+参考文献

The Effect of Colloid on the Quality of Processed Cheese

Abstract: The effect of different colloids, such as xanthan gum, carrageenan, CMC, gelatine, different lactic acid conten(6‰, 12‰, 18‰) and different colloid content(3‰, 6‰, 9‰, 12‰) on the quality of processed cheese made from unsalted cheddar and lactic acid as acidulant was studied. The moisture content, he water activity, texture and sensory of samples were evaluated. Texture analysis results showed that the greater the amount of acid added, the higher the hardness of processed cheese with xanthan gum and CMC. While the processed cheese with carrageenan and gelatin show lower hardness. The colloid content is proportional to the hardness of the processed cheese. The hardness of the processed cheese with different colloid showed: xanthan gum> CMC> carrageenan >gelatin. Sensory evaluation results showed the excessive lactic acid content made processed cheese showing a strong sense of grain and poor spreadability. In the same lactic acid content case, the processed cheese with different Colloid has a considerable difference in sensory and the result showed that:CMC>xanthan gum>carrageenan >gelatin.Furthermore, processed cheese with 6‰ CMC content is the best one.

Keywords:processed cheese; collide ; collide content ; lactic acid content
1引言 1
1.1再制干酪的定义和优点 1
1.1.1再制干酪的定义 1
1.1.2 再制干酪的优点 1
1.2再制干酪的功能特性 2
1.3再制干酪的国内外研究现状 2
1.3.1原料方面的研究 2
1.3.2 乳化盐及加工工艺的优化 2
1.4再制干酪质构的测定方法(TPA) 3
1.5再制干酪水分的测定方法(卤素快速加热) 4
1.6再制干酪水分活度的测定方法(露点测定法) 5
1.7本课题的研究目的和意义 6
2材料与方法 7
2.1实验材料 7
2.1.1实验材料及试剂 7
2.1.2主要仪器及设备 7
2.2实验方法 8
2.2.1 胶体基本特性的研究 8
2.2.2胶体在奶酪中的应用 8
3结果分析与讨论 11
3.1胶体浓度对体系粘度的影响 11
3.2 影响再制干酪水分的因素 12
3.2.1不同加酸量对再制干酪水分的影响 12
3.2.2不同胶体添加量对再制干酪水分的影响 12
3.3影响再制干酪水分活度的因素 13
3.3.1不同加酸量对再制干酪水分活度的影响 13
3.3.2不同胶体添加量对再制干酪水分活度的影响 14
3.4再制干酪的感官评价 15
3.4.1不同加酸量对再制干酪感官的影响 15
3.4.2不同胶体添加量对再制干酪感官的影响 16
3.5影响再制干酪硬度的因素 16
3.5.1不同加酸量对再制干酪硬度的影响 17
3.5.2不同胶体添加量对再制干酪硬度的影响 18
3.6影响再制干酪粘性的因素 19
3.6.1不同加酸量对再制干酪粘性的影响 19
3.6.2不同胶体添加量对再制干酪粘性的影响 20
3.7影响再制干酪胶黏性的因素 21
3.7.1不同加酸量对再制干酪胶黏性的影响 21
3.7.2不同胶体添加量对再制干酪胶黏性的影响 22
4 结论 24
致谢 25
参考文献 26,3601

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