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更新时间:2016-11-8:  来源:毕业论文

碎次茶中功能性成分茶多酚的提取和纯化+实验 摘  要:茶叶生产中会产生大量的碎次茶,此外每年也会产生大量低质陈茶。这部分低质茶叶的利用变得越发重要。本论文主要研究探讨从这些低质茶叶中提取和纯化获得功能性成分,如茶多酚。主要提取方法包括水浴浸提法、冰融-水浴浸提法;主要纯化方法有离子沉淀法、阴离子交换柱层析法。实验结果表明,冰融-水浴浸提法的浸提效果优于水浴浸提法;而阴离子交换柱层析法纯化的效果优于离子沉淀法。在浸提温度60℃,浸提时间70min,料液比1:10,浸提次数3次的浸提条件下。通过离子沉淀法最终得到得茶多酚纯度为83.42%,而通过离子交换柱层析法最终得到的茶多酚纯度为89.74%。单口机的基本结构及工作原理
Extraction and purification of functional component of tea polyphenols in poor quality tea
Abstract: In the production of tea, a large quantity of low-grade teas has been produced. In addition, every year a large number of old teas have also been produced. The utilization of those kinds of teas is getting more and more important. In this paper, the extraction and purification of functional components such as tea polyphenols from low quality tea were investigated. The main extraction methods included water extraction and ice melt-water extraction methods, while the main purification approaches were ion precipitation and anion exchange column chromatography methods. The results indicated that the effect of ice melt-water extraction was better than that of water extraction, and results of purification using anion exchange column chromatography were better than that using ion precipitation method. In the extraction conditions of temperature 60℃, time 70 min, tea/water 1: 10 and three times of extraction, 83.42 percent of tea polyphenols could be obtained through ion precipitation, while 89.74 percent of tea polyphenols could be achieved by anion exchange column chromatography
Keywords: low quality tea; functional components,; tea polyphenols (TP); extraction,; purification.
目  录

1绪  论 1
1.1茶叶 1
1.1.1茶叶概述 1
1.1.2茶叶生理活性功能 1
1.1.3茶叶的主要组分 1
1.2茶多酚概况 2
1.2.1茶多酚的组成、功能性及应用 2
1.2.2茶多酚保健与药理作用 3
1.2.3茶多酚在食品中的应用 3
1.3提取与纯化 4
1.3.1提取 4
1.3.2纯化 5
1.4本课题研究的意义 5
2实验材料与方法 6
2.1.水浴法浸取茶多酚 6
2.1.1实验材料与试剂 6
2.1.2实验方法 6
2.2冰融-水浴法浸取茶多酚 8
2.2.1实验材料与试剂 8
2.2.2实验方法 8
2.3离子沉淀法纯化茶多酚 9
2.3.1实验材料与试剂 9
2.3.2实验方法 10
2.4离子交换柱层析法 11
2.4.1实验材料与试剂 11
2.4.2实验方法 12
3实验结果与讨论 13
3.1水浴浸提法正交实验结果与讨论 13
3.1.1实验结果 13
3.2冰融-水浴浸提法正交实验结果与讨论 15
3.2.1实验结果 15
3.3.浸提方法比较 17
3.4实验结论 17
3.5离子沉淀法纯化实验结果与讨论 18
3.5.1实验结果 18
3.5.2主要存在问题 18
3.5.3问题解决办法 18
3.6阴离子交换柱层析法纯化实验结果与讨论 19
3.6.1实验结果 19
3.6.2主要存在问题 19
3.6.3问题解决办法 19
3.7纯化方法比较 20
4实验结论 21
致  谢 22
参考文献 23 ,3595

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