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更新时间:2016-11-6:  来源:毕业论文

关键词:  壳聚糖、可食膜、甜橙油、共混膜
 The influence of Brazilian sweet orange oil on chitosan film
Abstract: This article mainly researched the preparation technology of edible chitosan film and the influence of Brazilian sweet orange oil on chitosan film. The experiment improved the preparation process of edible chitosan film, found that use of potassium hydroxide to neutralize the chitosan film, which could effectively improve the physical and chemical properties of the film. Meanwhile the major components of the essential oil was researched, different concentration of sweet orange oil was added into chitosan film to prepare the oil-chitosan film, which based on the previous chitosan film technology. Thickness, moisture content, solubility, swelling properties, wettability, mechanical properties, antibacterial properties, scanning electron microscopy test and FTIR spectra of film were measured. The results showed that chitosan film without the neutralization was thicker than the treated films, and its moisture content, solubility, swelling properties, wettability were larger, mechanical and antibacterial properties were worse. The surface was good and they were nearly same in scanning electron microscopy analysis. With the increase of oil content in the chitosan film, the blend film was more thicker, the moisture content, solubility, swelling properties, wettability were smaller, mechanical and antibacterial properties became better. And then there were no chemical reactions was found between chitosan and sweet orange oil tested by FTIR.
Key Words: chitosan, edible film, sweet orange oil, composite film
1 绪言 1
1.1 壳聚糖简介 1
1.1.1 物理性质 2
1.1.2 化学性质 2
1.1.3 壳聚糖的应用 2
1.2 橙油简介 3
1.3 壳聚糖复合膜的研究进展 3
1.3.1 抑菌性研究 3
1.3.2 机械性能研究 3
1.3.3 气体选择渗透性和阻湿性能研究 4
1.3.4 润湿性能研究 4
1.3.5 可食用性与安全性能研究 4
1.4壳聚糖复合膜的发展趋势及展望 4
1.5本课题的研究目的 5
2实验材料与方法 6
2.1实验材料 6
2.2实验仪器 7
2.3实验方法 8
2.3.1巴西甜橙油成分测定 8
2.3.2共混膜的制备及工艺改进 8
2.3.3巴西甜橙油-壳聚糖共混膜理化特性的测定 9
3结果与分析 13
3.1巴西甜橙油成分分析 13
3.2共混膜的制备及工艺改进结果分析 16
3.3不同精油添加量对膜厚度的影响 17
3.4不同精油添加量对膜含水量的影响 17
3.5不同精油添加量对膜水溶性的影响 18
3.6不同精油添加量对膜溶胀性的影响 19
3.7不同精油添加量对膜润湿性的影响 20
3.8不同精油添加量对膜机械性能的影响 21
3.9不同精油添加量对膜抑菌性的影响 22
3.10不同精油添加量对膜表面形貌的影响 24
3.11不同精油添加量对膜化学成分的影响 26
4结论 27
致  谢 28
参考文献 29,3575

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