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更新时间:2016-9-21:  来源:毕业论文

摘  要:对中国周口地区的蕃茄白粉病菌进行了显微形态分析、核糖体DNA转绿间隔区ITS(inter transcribed spacer)进行PCR扩增及进化分析。结果表明:在扫描电子显微镜下病菌分生孢子呈圆柱形或椭圆形,无支链,ITS序列与来自Oidium neolycopersici的5条序列聚为1支,亲缘关系最近,而与来自Oidium lycopersici的3条ITS序列亲缘关系较远。以上结果表明,来自周口的蕃茄白粉病菌为O.neolycopersici.

  Tomato Powder Bacteria Identification and Evolutionary Analysis
Abstract:For China zhoukou region tomato powder bacteria has carried on the microscopic morphological analysis, ribosomal DNA turned ITS green space area (Intel transcribed spacer) PCR amplification and evolution analysis. Results show that the bacteria under a scanning electron microscope conidium and cylindrical or oval, not branched, with ITS sequence from Oidium neolycopersici sequence of article 5 of poly 1, recently, genetic relationship, and from Oidium lycopersici of article 3 of the ITS sequence of distant relatives. Above results indicate that the bacteria came from zhoukou of tomato powder for O. neolycopersici.
Keywords: white fungus tomato powder; microscopic morphology; ITS sequence; identification; pathogenic analysis
目    录

摘要 1
引言 1
1实验部分 2
1.1实验材料 2
1.2 病菌显微形态鉴定 2
1.3 病菌分子生物学鉴定 2
1.3.3 PCR产物的回收、克隆与测序 3
1.3.4 rDNA-ITS序列分析 3
2结果与讨论 3
2.1病原菌形态特征 3
2.2 ITS区的扩增和测序 4
3小结与讨论 6
参考文献 7
致谢 8,3095

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