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农村土地问题论文 第2页

更新时间:2011-10-7:  来源:毕业论文
  Keywords: land survey; MapGIS; Database; Quality control;   修改的:   Land is the important material base for human’s survival and development, which is limited non-renewable resources and precious wealth. There is a relationship between population, resources, environment and land. With the rapid development of society and economy, urban population is increasing, the land for construction demand is increasing, the conflicts between economic development and the supply and demand for land will be more and more serious ; In July, 2007, the second national land survey ,in order to know the status and ownership condition of land in our country, grasps the exact land based data, establish and perfect the land system, realize the socialization of land resource information service.

  It is comprehensive, accurate, timely to understand the current use of land resources , using “3s” to launch the investigation of the rural land use status, land change survey information and the construction of rural land use sharing and the basis of land scientific management.

  Based on the second survey of rural land , land change and remote the actual working experience of sensing monitoring in Linchuan, I also read academic research theory of domestic and foreign, Combined the theory with practical method, I will describe the rural land using in county, the database construction and quality control detail. Here are my achievements:

  1, Introduction about the second rural land survey of technology process, remote sensing data, DOM production, rs, field adjustable draw, data processing, construction of the land use database and database alteration to carry on the practice, discuss these problems and the solution in the process.

  2 Discuss some key technologies of the land survey data processing ,for example, data format, coordinate system is introduced, and the conversion and spatial analysis method based on MapGIS platform and superposition analysis, extraction variation.

  3, Introduction of the error sources in the land survey, specific analysis and data quality problem, in the process .The quality of the source control methods , rs, digital, and the data processing is the Key issues ,Also ,I put forward my opinion. 毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/

  4, reference the database of software defect levels in the second rural land survey, combining inspection by factors paired comparison Delphi method (the expert analysis method to determine the weights of evaluation elements), and puts forward the apllicant land precision elements weighted average defects, and evaluate quality of the results of database points method .As a result, the quality control is more ideal.

  Keywords: land survey; MapGIS; Database; Quality control;

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