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更新时间:2016-11-16:  来源:毕业论文

C#网络聊天室系统设计与实现 摘 要:网络聊天室是一种通讯软件,其主要功能是用作网上交谈,可以实现在线即时网络聊天的功能。系统实现的方法是多个客户端之间通过服务器建立连接,形成一个多客户端的小型网络。同时,服务器端与客户端的端口号必须保持一致,客户端与运行的计算机的IP地址一致(IP地址每次网络连接都不一致),即可连接形成聊天室,如出现错误或失去连接等问题,则会有提示消息弹出。此系统运用C#语言,通过调试运行,实现了设计目标。

The Design and Implementation of Network chat rooms System
Abstract:The network chat room is a kind of communication software, its main function is used as an online conversation, can realize online chat function. System implementation method is to establish a connection through the server between multiple clients, forming a small network of multiple client.At the same time, server-side and client-side number must be consistent, consistent with the IP address of the computer that is running the client (IP address connection a network is inconsistent each time), connections formed chat rooms, connection loss as a result of errors or problems, there will be a message pop up. Using the C# language, through commissioning, meet the design goals.
Key Words: C # ; Chat rooms ; Chat program
目    录

摘 要 1
引言 2
1开发环境与关键技术简介 2
1.1系统开发背景 2
1.2 C/S结构 2
2需求分析 3
2.1可行性研究 3
2.2用户需求 3
2.3性能需求 4
2.4系统功能需求 4
3系统功能设计与实现 4
3.1 C/S聊天室模型及工作原理 4
3.2系统功能 5
3.3系统设计 6
3.4系统实现 8
4程序运行和测试 10
小 结 10
参考文献 11
致  谢 12,3702

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