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更新时间:2016-11-16:  来源:毕业论文

ASP大学BBS论坛设计与实现 摘  要:随着计算机技术的发展,BBS论坛已经成为人们获取信息、发表言论的重要工具。它由论坛注册用户所发表的大量主题组成。近些年来,校园网建设在飞速发展,大学校园网BBS也越来越受大家的喜爱,因此建设一个好的BBS显得越来越有必要了。本文论述了开发一个简单的BBS系统所用到的关键技术和方法。其中运用了ASP技术、SQL Server 2005数据库等等,实现了一个简单的BBS系统的设计与开发。
关键词:BBS论坛;ASP技术;SQL Server 2005

Design and Implementation of BBS University Forum
Abstract: With the development of computer technology, BBS forum has become an important tool for people to obtain information and make points. It consists of the large number of topics published by forum users. In recent years, the construction of campus network in the rapid development of university campus network BBS, also more and more get everybody's favorite, so the construction of a good BBS becomes more and more necessary. This paper discusses the development of a simple BBS system key technology and method. Using ASP technology, the SQL Server 2005 database and so on, to achieve a simple BBS system design and development.
Key Words: BBS forum; ASP technology; SQL Server 2005
目    录
摘  要 1
引言 2
1.系统开发的背景和意义 2
2.系统开发工具 2
2.1 SQL Server 2005数据库简介 2
2.2 Visual Studio 2008简介 3
3.系统需求分析 3
4.系统设计 4
4.1系统功能设计 4
4.2数据库设计 6
5.系统实现 7
5.1系统登录模块 7
5.2帖子管理模块 8
5.3后台管理模块 8
6.系统测试 9
7.结束语 9
参考文献 11
致谢 12,3699

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