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更新时间:2016-11-5:  来源:毕业论文

铁路计算机联锁系统通信模块设计 摘要: 列车运行控制系统是一个庞大复杂的系统,它利用现代计算机、网络通信等技术实现车站铁路信号计算机联锁控制系统,以提高车站的行车安全和运输能力。本论文主要论述的是西门子公司应用于PLC的计算机联锁通信模块的设计,主要研究以下的内容:首先对计算机联锁系统从系统构成、工作原理和软硬件结构上面进行详细的分析工作。然后利用对象和类的设计思路,对计算机联锁系统进行了需求分析、类建模以及通信模块数据分析的工作。接着利用了C++语言实现了本论文研究的计算机联锁系统,其中:上位机用于人机交互,功能实现了站场界面显示、操作命令生成下发传输工作和联锁机信息接收处理工作;联锁机实现了信号设备的逻辑处理功能,从而实现了上下位机之间的信息传递和系统交互。最后本文实现的计算机联锁系统中上位机和联锁机之间采用的基于MPI总线的通信模式和相关设计。本文的最后对全文进行了总结,并对计算机联锁技术的发展做了展望。
关键词: 计算机联锁;通信模块;MPI总线;需求分析
Design of Communication Model for Computer Interlocking
Abstract:  Train operation control system is large and complex, and it uses the technology of modern computer and communication to realize the Railway Signaling System interlocking, which can enhance the Railway Station Travelling Safety further, improve the transportation ability of the station. By mainly analyzing and research on communication model for computer interlocking based on SIMATIC company’s PLC, this article has finished specific work as follow: Firstly,on the computer interlocking system from the system structure, working principle, software and hardware structure of a detailed analysis to do a serious understanding. Then by developing method based on the Object-oriented software, this paper designs the interlocking software with these steps: demand analysis, establishment of object model and information research of the communication model. And,PC mainly used for human-computer interaction to get the station interlocking display , operation command generates issued a transmission job and interlocking machines information receiving that processing the operation command. Then it can achieve the function transfer message and interact system between PC and interlocking machines. Finally this realization of computer interlocking system between the host computer and interlocking machine using MPI bus based communication patterns and related design. Finally, there is a summary of the whole text and put forward development on computer interlocking technology.
Key Words: computer interlocking; communication model; MPI bus; demanding analysis
目录 iv
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本论文研究意义 2
1.4 论文主要内容 2
2 计算机联锁系统的结构和组成 4
2.1 计算机联锁系统的基本结构 4
2.2 计算机联锁系统的功能分析 5
2.2.1 上位机 5
2.2.2 电务文修机 6
2.2.3 联锁下位机 6
2.3 计算机联锁系统的硬件平台 7
3 计算机联锁系统的总体设计及功能需求分析 10
3.1 系统结构划分及数据流向 10
3.2 通信帧格式约定 11
3.2.1 操作命令格式 12
3.2.2 返回信息格式 13
3.3 各子模块分析与设计 14
3.3.1 操作命令处理 14
3.3.2 其他操作命令处理 15
4 计算机联锁系统中通信协议的开发实现 17
4.1 开发工具介绍 17
4.1.1 Visual C++6.0 概述 17
4.1.2 SIMATIC S7 工业软件 17
4.2 站场控制对象的类描述 18
4.2.1 上位机类对象 18
4.2.2 联锁机类对象 18
4.3 生成命令字 19
4.3.1 进路命令 19
4.3.2 其它操作命令 21
4.4 STEP 7 组态硬件 21
4.4.1 组态硬件介绍 21
4.4.2 硬件配置的基本步骤 22
4.5 MPI总线下的通信模块实现 23
4.5.1 通信模式的地址参数设置 23
4.5.2 联锁程序的设计 25
4.5.3 信号设备状态显示的数据分帧析 29
5 结论和展望 33
致谢 34
参考文献 35,3559

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