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更新时间:2016-11-1:  来源:毕业论文

ASP.NET的儿童英语教学网站设计 摘  要:为了激发孩子的英语学习兴趣,吸引他们的注意力,充分发挥儿童的主观能动性、创造性和积极性,这里运用ASP.NET技术和SQL Server 2000数据库技术,完成了包括今日课程(用图画学英语)、儿童英语歌曲练习、游戏练习、留言等功能的儿童英语教学网站设计。网站的实现既调节了儿童的学习节奏,又锻炼了语言能力,使其在愉快协调的气氛中学习和巩固知识。
   关键词:儿童英语教学网站;ASP.NET;SQL Server 2000

Design of the Children's English Teaching Website Design Based on ASP.NET
Abstract:In order to stimulate children's interest in learning English and attract their attention, give full play to children's initiative, creativity and enthusiasm, we use  ASP.NET technology and SQL Server 2000 database technology to complete the website design including today course (using picture English ), English songs to practice, practice games, messages and other functions of the children's English teaching. Realization of Web site for regulation of both children's learning, training the language ability, in the happy atmosphere of learning to coordinate and consolidate knowledge.
Key Words:The Children's English Teaching Website Design; ASP.NET; SQL Server 2000
目    录

摘  要 1
关键词 1
Abstract. 1
Key Words 1
1.绪论 1
1.1 系统发展现状 1
1.2 系统研究意义 2
2.相关技术简介 2
2.1 ASP.NET技术 2
2.2 SQL Server 2000数据库技术 3
3.系统总体设计 4
3.1 系统操作流程 4
3.2 系统功能设计 4
3.3 数据库设计 .5
4.系统的实现 7
4.1 数据库连接 7
4.2 网站前台页面实现 7
4.3 网站后台页面实现 8
5.系统测试 8
6.总结 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11,3530

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