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更新时间:2016-10-24:  来源:毕业论文

ASP.net网上论坛系统的设计与实现 摘  要:现今,越来越多的学生已经学会借助于网上论坛进行学习交流。网络论坛不仅能够实现简单的信息发布、交流,还可以图文并茂,更可以上传下载附件,大大方便了网络用户之间的资料共享和话题探讨。本设计主要分析如何实现系统功能,规划系统流程,设计系统数据库的逻辑结构。最后设计和实现了一个B/S模式的论坛网站。主要功能包括后台数据库管理、网上答疑(通过留言和论坛功能实现)等。
Design and Implementation of the online forum system
Abstract:Today, more and more students have learned online forums to learn and exchange.Internet forums can be achieved not only simple information distribution, communication can also be illustrated, but also can download the attachment, which greatly facilitates the sharing of information between network users and topics.This design is based mainly on the teaching site, and how to design this course. This design mainly analyze the system functions, the process of planning system, the logical structure of the design database.The final design and implementation of a forum site for a B / S mode. Key features include a back-end database management, online Q & A (through the mail and forum functions).
Key Words:B / S model; online forum; database managemen
目    录

引言 1
1.系统开发背景和意义 2
1.1本课题开发的背景 2
1.2本课题开发的目标和意义 2
2.系统设计 2
2.1需求分析 3
2.2系统模块分析 3
2.3系统总体功能模块图 3
3.数据库总体设计 4
3.1 ASP.net简介 4
3.2 SQL Server简介 4
3.3数据库逻辑结构设计 5
4.系统实现 7
4.1前台客户端系统设计与实现 7
4.2后台管理端系统设计与实现 8
参考文献 8
致 谢 9,3477

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