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更新时间:2016-10-21:  来源:毕业论文

ASP学院公共教学网站的设计+需求分析 摘 要:现今,越来越多的学生已经学会借助于互联网进行学习。随着互联网在教学过程中的普及,教学网站已经成为一种很有必要的教学手段。本系统选用ASP作为主要开发语言,选用 Access数据库作为本系统的数据库。网站分析如何实现网站首页、校园新闻、新闻添加等功能,规划系统流程,设计系统数据库的逻辑结构。最后设计和实现了一个B/S模式的教学网站。
Zhoukou Normal University Public Teaching Website Design
Abstract:Nowadays, more and more students have used the Internet for learning. As the Internet in the teaching process is popular, teaching website has become a very be necessary teaching means.This system is the general requirements which should be the design and development of teaching website. This system chooses asp as a major development language, and chooses the access database as the system's database. Web site analysis how to achieve your home page, and campus news, news add, and other functions, planning system flow, design system database of logical structure. Finally we design and implement a B/S mode teaching website.
Keywords: teaching website, web design, query results, campus news
目    录
前言 1
1.系统概述 2
1.1 开发目的 2
1.2 研发背景 2
1.3开发工具 2
1.4主要工作 3
2.需求分析 3
2.1可行性分析 3
2.2系统体系结构 3
2.3功能需求 4
3教学网站设计 4
3.1系统结构设计 4
3.2数据库设计 5
4网站实现 6
4.1前台客户端系统设计与实现 6
4.2成绩查询页面 7
4.4学校概况页面 8
4.5校园新闻页面 8
4.6校园风彩页面 8
4.7学籍注册页面 8
5总结 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10,3424

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