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更新时间:2016-10-21:  来源:毕业论文

基于Authorware的多媒体课件的设计与实现 摘  要:随着多媒体技术的迅猛发展,越来越多的教师开始使用多媒体课件辅助教学。为了弥补传统课堂教学的不足,课题利用Authorware多媒体课件制作工具,通过ODBC数据源接口与Access链接,设计并实现了《C语言程序设计》多媒体课件。主要功能模块有:知识回顾、本章内容、课堂练习和习题实战。《C语言程序设计》多媒体课件能够更好地优化教学过程,实现增强师生互动、活跃课堂教学氛围的目标。
关键词:多媒体课件; Authorware;ODBC;Access

The Design and Implementation of
 Multimedia Courseware Based on Authorware
—— “C Programming Design” Multimedia Courseware
Abstract: With the rapid development of multimedia technology, more and more teachers started to use multimedia courseware. In order to make up for the lack of class teaching,the issue of the use of Authorware multimedia courseware authoring tools, through the ODBC data source interface and Access,design and implementation of "C Programming Design" multimedia courseware. The main function modules include: Review of knowledge, The contents of this chapter, Exercises in class, and Exercise practice "C Programming Design" multimedia courseware also can optimize the process of teaching better, enhance the interaction between teachers and students, active the atmosphere of classroom teaching target.
Key Words: Multimedia Courseware; Authorware; ODBC;Access
目    录
摘  要 1
关键词 1
Abstract. 1
Key Words 1
1.概述 1
1.1课件制作的背景和意义 2
1.2主要工作 2
2.课件相关技术介绍 2
2.1Authorware 2
2.2 Access数据库 3
2.3ODBC数据库访问接口标准 3
3.课件分析与设计 3
3.1需求分析 3
3.2功能模块设计 4
4.课件具体实现 5
4.1主界面 5
4.2知识回顾模块 5
4.4课堂练习模块 6
4.5 习题实战模块 7
5.课件的测试与发布 7
5.1课件的测试 8
5.2课件的发布 8
6.总结 8
参考文献 10
致谢 11,3421

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