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更新时间:2016-10-20:  来源:毕业论文

VB+Access客房管理系统设计+ER图+流程图 摘  要:鉴于旧式人工计算模式客房管理的种种不足,此次设计的程序包含订房、退房、客房设置、员工管理、营业报表统计等功能,满足了酒店管理的基本需求。其拥有工作效率高、出错率较低、便捷易用、安全性良好等特点。适合中小型酒店使用。

Hotel Management System Based On VB
Abstract: According to the shortage of the manual operation mode of room management in old ages,the program of this design contains room reservation, room checking out, room setting up, staff management, bussiness report and so on.And the need of hotel management will be satisfied if the program is used. Also it has many advantages, like high efficiency, few mistakes, fast, easy, secure and so on. It is made for small and medium size hotels.
Key Words: Hotel management; VB; Access
目    录

摘  要 2
Abstract 2
引言 2
1.相关技术介绍 3
1.1VB技术 3
1.2Access数据库技术 3
2.系统分析与设计 4
2.1系统操作流程 4
2.2系统功能分析与设计 4
2.3数据库设计 6
3.系统实现 8
3.1数据库连接 8
3.2主要功能模块实现 9
4.系统测试 10
5.总结 11
参考文献 12
致谢 13,3392

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