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更新时间:2016-10-19:  来源:毕业论文

云计算研究现状综述+云计算展望 摘 要: 目前云计算的研究处于初级阶段,本文对云计算的研究现状进行分析和总结, 以期为下一步的研究指明方向。阐述了云计算的基本概念、发展历史、系统的特点,介绍了云计算各项技术的研究现状,包括虚拟机、数据管理、云检测和能耗管理、云计算的计算模型,分析了云计算与网格计算异同、云计算虚拟化、云计算中心的计算机性能、云计算安全等问题,探讨了其研究现状及亟待解决的问题,展望了未来的研究方向。

Cloud Computing Review of Research
Abstract: At present, the study of cloud computing is in the primary stage.In this paper,we analyze and summarize the present research for future reseach. We elaborate the basic concept of cloud computing, development history, features of the system, introduce the research status of cloud computing technology, including virtual machines, data management, cloud detection and management of energy consumption, cloud computing model, analyze the similarities and differences between cloud computing and grid computing, cloud computing virtualization, cloud computing center computer performance, cloud computing security problems, and discuss the research situation and problems, and future research direction.
Key words: Cloud computing; hot spot; prospect; virtualization; key technology
目    录
1绪论 1
1.1云计算的定义 1
1.2云计算的发展史 1
1.3云计算的特点 2
1.4云计算的体系结构 4
2云计算的关键技术 5
2.1关键技术的研究现状 5
2.2云计算面临的技术挑战 7
3云计算的热点问题 8
3.1计算资源虚拟化问题 8
3.2云计算与网格计算异同 8
3.3云计算中心的计算性能问题 9
3.4云计算的标准化问题 9
3.5云计算安全问题 10
4云计算的展望 10
5结束语 10
参考文献 12
致谢 13,3388

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