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更新时间:2016-10-19:  来源:毕业论文

Survey销售系统ISO客户端的问卷调查系统的设计 摘要:随着科技的迅速发展,ipad已逐渐向企业管理迈出了脚步。根据市场需要,我被分配于完成Survey,实现常用的问卷调查。本论文将对市场上常用的Survey进行分析,总结其规范,且对GPS加以分析,制定相应策略,并加以完成。该功能基于iOS平台,使用Objective-c语言,以ipad平板电脑为客户终端,选用SQLite3为数据库,采用三层架构搭建完成。

 Sales system IOS client questionnaire survey system
  Abstract:With the rapid development of science and technology, iPad has gradually taken steps to enterprise management. According to the needs of the market, I was assigned to complete the survey to achieve common questionnaire. This paper will be on the market used survey analysis, summarizes its specification, and GPS analysis, formulates corresponding strategy, and to be completed. The function based on iOS platform, using Objective-c language, in iPad flat panel computer for customer terminal, selects SQLite3as the database, using three layer architecture to complete.
  Key Words: iOS;Survey;SQLite3;three layer architecture
目    录
摘要 2
引言 2
1.系统开发的背景与意义 2
1.1本课题研究的背景 2
1.2本课题研究的目的和意义 3
1.3课题主要工作 3
2.相关技术介绍 4
2.1 iOS操作系统 4
2.2 Objective-C 4
2.3 SQLite 4
2.4 GPS 5
3.系统分析与设计 5
3.1系统需求分析 5
3.2系统功能模块设计 5
4.架构设计 6
5.数据库设计 7
6.GPS策略 8
7.系统具体实现 9
7.1 Survey功能主界面 9
7.2 问卷题目页 10
8.结论 10
参考文献 11,3387

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