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更新时间:2016-10-18:  来源:毕业论文

Windows程序设计教学网站开发 摘  要:介绍了一个Windows程序设计教学网站的设计思想与实现方法。该网站采用了一种全新网上教学方式,设计并实现网上授课、在线辅导答疑、个性化学习、习题作业测验等功能模块。通过局域网或Internet 平台,并利用浏览器软件, 学生可不受时间和空间的约束完成该门课程的全部学习任务, 教师也可轻松地完成该门课程的全部。相比较传统教学更容易提高教学效率。在网站实现方面,使用了当前比较流行的SQL Server、Microsoft Visual Studio 2005等软件。
关键词:教学网站;Windows程序设计;SQL Server;Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

The exploitation of Windows Program Design Teaching Web
Abstract: In this article,we present Windows program design of an interactive teaching website. This website takes many new teaching measures to design and realize function modules of online instruction, online tutorial, individualized learning, and exercises homework test. By using LAN or Internet and with the help of browser software, not only can students complete the learning tasks without the limitations of time and place, but also teachers fulfill the teaching tasks of these courses easily. Compared to old system, it can improve the efficiency better. Website at implementation, the use of the current relatively popular SQL Server、Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and other software.
Key Words:Teaching website; Windows program design; SQL Server; Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

目    录

摘  要 1
引言 1
1.课题研究背景与意义 2
2.相关开发工具和技术简介 2
2.1 Microsoft Visual Studio 2005工具 2
2.2 SQL Server工具 2
2.3 ASP.NET技术 3
3.系统分析与设计 3
3.1网站需求分析 3
3.2网站功能需求分析与设计 3
4.数据库设计 4
4.1概念结构设计 4
4.2逻辑结构设计 5
5.系统实现 6
5.1网站前台显示模块实现 6
5.2管理员登录后台模块实现 6
6.系统的测试与文护 7
6.1系统测试 7
6.2系统文护 8
7.结论 8
参考文献 10
致谢 11,3373

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