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更新时间:2016-10-18:  来源:毕业论文

VB学生公寓管理系统设计毕业论文 摘要:目前由于高校学生人数的逐年增长,手工管理的学生公寓效率低下的问题日益凸显。随着高校园区建设和高校后勤产业社会化改革步伐的不断加快,对学生公寓的管理模式也应该由手工管理逐步向信息化管理过渡。学生公寓是学生日常生活和学习的重要场所,同时也关系到学校正常的生活秩序。而随着校园网上办公自动化资源的开发和利用,对于学生公寓的管理也提出了更高的要求。由此而开发的学生公寓管理系统是针对当前兴起的高效化信息化学生公寓而开发的管理软件。它是具备能够提高对学生宿舍的智能化管理,能够把大量的繁杂的记录统计转化为易操作易查找且具有自动统计与显示的功能性软件。本系统可以显著提高学生公寓管理工作的工作效率并减少错误的发生。
关键字: 学生公寓管理;VB;SQL
Student apartment management system design
Abstract:Because of the current college students is increasing year by year, the low efficiency of manual management student apartment is becoming increasingly
prominent.Along with the university campus construction and university logistics industry study of the social reform, the student apartment management should also by the manual management gradually to the information management transition.Student apartment is the important places of student daily life and learn , but also related to the normal school life order.Along with the campus network office automation development and utilization of resources, for the student apartment management also put forward higher requirements.The development of student apartment management system is at present the rise of efficient information of student apartment management software development.It is capable of improving the students' dormitory intelligent management, can carry large quantities of complex record into easy to find and has the automatic statistics and shows the function of software.This system can significantly improve the student apartment management efficiency and reduce the occurrence of errors.

Key Words: Student apartment management;VB;SQL
1  序言1
1.1 选题依据及背景1
  1.2 课题研究内容1
2  Visual Basic简介•2
  2.1 Visual Basic应用程序的基本结构•2
2.1.1 Visual Basic语言的特点2
2.1.2  Visual Basic应用程序的结构•2
  2.2  Visual Basic的事件驱动机制3
  2.3  Visual Basic对数据库的访问4
2.3.1  Visual Basic数据库访问技术简介•4
2.3.2  ADO的基本特征•4
2.3.3  ADO的对象模型•4
3  数据库技术简介6
  3.1  数据库简介•6
  3.2  数据库的发展趋势•7
  3.3  SQL数据库•8
  3.4  SQL语句•9
4  系统开发与设计•10
  4.1  系统总体结构10
  4.2  数据库设计10
4.2.1  图形化向导创建•10
4.2.2  表的创建•12
4.3  用户界面设计16
4.3.1  用户登录界面设计17
4.3.2  学生信息界面的设计19
4.3.3  管理员信息界面的设计25

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