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更新时间:2016-10-17:  来源:毕业论文

JSP网上商城系统的设计与实现 摘要:网上商城项目是在社会及网络快速发展的形势下开发出来,以方便人们购物,管理员管理为目的。本文介绍了在JavaEE环境下开发本系统的详细过程,明确了项目开发的背景及其目的,从业务、用户和功能三个方面的需求对系统进行了必要的分析,并阐述了系统流程设计、结构设计、数据库设计和功能详细设计,以及系统的测试,从软件工程的角度进行了科学而严谨的阐述。
Design And Developing Online Shopping System
Abstract: In order to facilitate the people to go shopping and administrators to manage it, supermarket shopping project is developed in the rapid development of society and networking. In this article,we firstly describe the process to develop the system in JavaEE environment.Secondly,we introduce the background and purpose of the project development.We make the necessary analysis of the system from three aspects of the business,users and its functions.We describe the system and process design, the database design,the function design and the system test.Finally,we explain from the pespective of software engineering scientifically and rigorously.
Key Words: Online shopping; JavaEE; Software Engineering;
目    录

摘要 1
关键词 1
Abstract 1
Key Words 1
1.项目概述 2
1.1项目开发背景 2
1.2项目开发的目的 2
2.需求分析 2
2.1业务需求 2
2.2功能需求 3
3.概要设计 3
3.1系统结构设计 3
3.1.1客户端首页结构图 3
3.1.2后台管理结构图 4
3.2数据库设计 5
3.2.1关系图 5
3.2.2表结构 5
4.详细设计与实现 7
4.1系统流程设计 7
4.1.1后台流程设计与实现 7
4.1.2客户端流程设计与实现 8
5.测试 10
5.1测试目的 10
5.2测试环境 10
6.总结 10
参考文献 11
致谢 12,3355

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