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更新时间:2016-10-16:  来源:毕业论文

C#超市管理系统论文+超市管理系统流程图+ER图 摘  要:传统的超市商店大都采用人工管理方式,但由于业务量的增加,已不能适应日益积累的市场竞争。现今大型超市商场都已使用计算机进行信息管理,超市管理系统成为了大型超市中不可缺少的重要部分。利用计算机对超市进行管理,有着人工管理所无法比拟的优点,这些优点能够使超市管理进入科学化、正规化的轨道。本系统就是根据传统超市所面对的现状而设计的,系统基于Visual C#系统应用,结合SQL sever数据库,应用面向对象的程序设计方法,通过对系统权限设定、原始数据录入、数据的查询及删除等模块的设计,实现了对进货、销售及员工信息等实现全面、动态、及时的管理。系统设计过程简洁成熟,实现功能完善,运行稳定,文护方便。

The System of Supermarket Management
Abstract: Traditional methods of artificial management of supermarket stores used, but due to the volume of business to increase, is no longer adapted to the increasing accumulation of market competition. Today's supermarket shopping malls have been using computers for information management, supermarket management system has become an integral important part of the large supermarkets. Use computer management to supermarket, has incomparable advantages of artificial administration, these are advantages to the supermarket management ,regularization of the track. This system is designed according to the situation faced by the traditional supermarket, system based on Visual c # application system, combined with the SQL Sever database, application of object-oriented program design methods, through system permissions set, the original data entry, data query and delete module design, realization of the purchase, sales and staff comprehensive, dynamic, timely management information. System design process simple and mature, achieving robust, stable operation, convenient maintenance.
Key Words: Management Systems; Databases; C#

目    录

摘  要 1
关键词 1
1 绪论 2
1.1项目开发背景及意义 2
1.2开发工具简介 2
2 需求分析 3
2.1 系统目标 3
2.2功能分析 3
3 数据库设计 5
3.1员工信息表的设计 5
3.2商品信息表的设计 6
4 系统主要功能实现 6
4.1员工登陆管理模块的实现 6
4.2员工信息管理模块的实现 6
4.3商品信息管理模块的实现 7
4.4数据备份功能的实现 8
5 系统测试 8
5.1测试意义 8
5.2测试方法及结果 8
6 经验与体会 9
参考文献 10
致 谢 11,3328

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