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更新时间:2016-10-13:  来源:毕业论文

多媒体技术及应用精品课程网站的设计 摘  要:信息时代,随着计算机技术以及通信网络的飞速发展,信息的发布和交流越来越广泛,利用计算机、网络管理和信息采集势在必行。精品课程网站应具有很强交互性,为用户提供一个更全方位的网络体验。本网站的开发主要包括后台数据库的建立、后台管理以及前台页面的Web设计。重点探讨了精品课程网站的设计方案,将实现课程简介,课件资料上传下载,课程视频,师资队伍,实验指导等作为独立的模块单独呈现,有利于学习者直接查找相关的资源。

The Design of website Multimedia technology and application of excellent courses
Abstract: The information age, along with the computer technology and the rapid development of network communication, information release and communication are becoming more and more widely, the use of a computer, network management and information collection is imperative. Quality course website should have very strong interactivity, to provide a more comprehensive network experience. This website development mainly includes the database establishment, management background management and the front desk page Web design. Discusses the quality course website design, will realize the course description, courseware material uploads and downloads, course video, teachers team, experiment guidance as independent modules presented alone, which is beneficial to the learners find related resources directly.
    Key words: Web; course; Interactive multimedia; multimedia
目    录

摘  要 1
引言 1
1系统开发背景及意义 2
1.1开发背景 2
1.2本课题的意义 2
1.3国内外的研究现状分析 2
1.4主要工作 3
2系统开发技术简介 3
2.1网站建设所使用的编程语言 3
2.2网站建设所使用的后台数据库 3
2.3网站建设所使用技术 3
3系统分析与设计 4
3.1系统需求分析 4
3.2系统功能需求分析 4
3.2.1前台的功能模块 4
3.2.2 后台的功能模块 4
4数据库设计 5
4.1系统结构设计 5
4.2 数据库中表的设计与实现 5
5详细功能的实现 6
5.1网站前台显示模块设计 6
5.2管理员登陆模块设计 7
5.3个人中心模块 7
5.4资源下载模块 7
5.5新闻管理模块 8
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10,3313

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