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更新时间:2016-10-10:  来源:毕业论文

基于SOA架构的进销存管理系统的设计与实现 摘  要:进销存管理是企业经营管理的重要环节,企业的供货管理复杂,使用传统手工处理效率低下,难以满足企业发展需要,基于SOA架构的进销存管理系统是在这种背景下设计的。本系统采用面向服务的编程思想,基于WCF架构,以SQL Server 2008 R2为后台数据库,以ASP.NET MVC4和jQuery为前端技术,在Microsoft Visual Studio 2010平台下设计与实现的。本系统是一个中小型进销存管理系统,具有进货管理、销售管理、仓库管理、基础管理、权限控制等功能。本系统操作简便,具有较好的扩展性和文护性的特点,基本满足了一般中小型企业的要求。

The Designing and Implement of Purchasing-Selling-Stock Management System Based on SOA
Abstract: The purchasing-selling-stock management is an important part of enterprise management,the supply management of enterprises is complex,and the traditional manual processing may not be satisfied with the requirement of enterprise development. The Purchasing-Selling-Stock Management Systems was designed in this context. The system is a service-oriented programming,based on WCF architecture,using SQL service 2008R2 as the database development tool. It was designed and implementation in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 platform with ASP.NET MVC4 and jQuery technology as the front-end technology.The system which is a small and medium-sized invoicing management system has the purchase management, sales management, warehouse management, infrastructure management, access control and other functions. It is simple in operation, has good expansibility and maintainability and meet the basic requirements of small enterprises in the main.
Key words: Purchasing-Selling-Stock;WCF;MVC;ORM
目    录

摘  要 1
引言 2
1.相关技术介绍 2
1.2基于SOA的WCF服务框架 3
1.3数据库技术 4
1.4实体框架 4
2.系统分析和设计 5
2.1需求描述 5
2.2功能模块设计 5
3.数据库设计 6
4.核心功能模块设计 7
4.1系统登录模块 7
4.2客户订单处理流程 8
4.3出库模块 9
5.测试与文护 11
5.1测试目的 11
5.2测试方案 11
6.总结 11
参考文献 12
致谢 13,3310

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