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更新时间:2016-10-9:  来源:毕业论文

MTV《父亲》的设计与实现 摘  要:该课题应用Flash为主要制作工具,制作歌曲MTV。Flash是一款二文矢量动画软件制作工具。它操作便捷且功能齐全,拥有强大的交互能力和网络传输能力。在这部MTV《父亲》中,为了表达对父亲的思念和感激之情,大量运用Flash中的逐帧动画、动作补间、形状补间、遮罩动画和Action Script 2.0脚本等技术,同时使用Photoshop对下载的素材进行处理,实现了这部加入了自身情感且画面唯美的Flash MTV作品。
关键词:Flash;Flash MTV;Action Script 2.0;Photoshop;

Flash MTV Design
——The Design and Implementaion of MTV “Father”
Abstract: this subject use Flash as the main production tools, to make MTV. Flash is a 2 d vector animation software production tools. It convenient operation and the function is all ready, as well as has a strong ability to interact and network transmission capacity. In order to express the father's thoughts and gratitude, a large number of applying the Flash frame by frame animation, Action between shape up, fill rooms, mask animation and Action Script 2.0 Script techniques in this MV ”Father”. At the same time use Photoshop to download material for processing. Realize the joined their own emotions and picture perfect Flash MV works.
Key Words: Flash;Flash MTV;Action Script 2.0;Photoshop;
目    录

摘  要 1
关键词 1
1.设计背景及意义 1
2.主要制作工具 2
2.1 Flash 2
2.2 Photoshop 2
2.3 Audition 3
3.Flash MTV的设计与实现 3
3.1剧本的设计 3
3.2素材准备 3
3.3歌词和声音的导入 5
3.4动画的制作 6
4.Flash MTV的测试及发布 8
5.总结 8
参考文献 10
致谢 11,3291

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