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更新时间:2016-10-7:  来源:毕业论文

C#火车站售票管理信息系统开发与设计 摘 要:随着人们的生活步调日益加快,乘火车对大部分人来说已经悉数平常之事,火车的重要性众所周知,那么高质量的火车售票管理也显得由为重要,面对信息时代的挑战,利用高科技手段计算机管理系统来提高火车站售票管理无疑是一条行之有效的途径。本文针对市场需求设计出可靠实用的火车站售票信息管理系统,采用C/S三层架构模型,在VS2005的平台上进行编程,后台采用SQL Serverexpress作为数据库与客户端连接,主要开发了用户的注册功能、登录功能和查询车次信息功能。该系统的实施,将使火车站售票工作效益得到提高,经济效益得到改善。

The development and design of Train Ticket Management Information System 
Abstract:As people increasingly accelerate the pace of life,take a train to most of the world has all the ususl thing.Everyone knows the importance of train,so high quality train ticket management also appears by the most important, In the face of the challenges of the information age,the use of high-tech means of computer management system to improve the train station ticket management is the way of an effective. According to market demand to design a reliable and practical train station ticket information management system ,using C/S three layer architecture model, in the VS2005 platform for programming,the background using SQL ServerExpress as database connection with the client,mainly the development of the user registration,login and check number function. The implementation of the system,will enable the train station ticket work efficiency is improved,the economic benefits have been improved.
Key Words:  Ticket management; C/S three layer architecture model; registration function
目    录

摘 要: 1
关键词: 1
1.导言 2
1.1问题的提出 2
1.2铁路售票系统的现状 2
1.3本文研究路线 2
2.需求分析 3
2.1火车站售票管理信息系统 3
2.2 查询功能需求 3
2.3 售票功能需求 4
2.4 退票功能需求 4
2.5 订票功能需求 4
2.6注册功能需求 4
3 售票系统设计 4
3.1系统总体设计 4
3.1.1 设计目标要求 4
3.1.2 设计原则 5
3.2 系统功能模块设计 5
3.2.1 注册模块 5
3.2.2 登录模块 5
3.2.3 售票模块 6
3.2.4 订票模块 6
3.2.5 退票模块 6
3.2.6 查询模块 6
3.3 数据库设计 7
3.3.1用户表 7
3.3.2 车次详细信息表 7
4 系统实现 8
4.1登陆模块 8
4.1.1实现原理 8
4.1.2关键代码 9
4.2 注册模块 9
4.3 查询模块 10
4.4 退出功能: 10
5 结论 10
参考文献 12
致谢 13,3226

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