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更新时间:2016-9-28:  来源:毕业论文

Asp.net+sqlserver人才信息网设计毕业论文 摘  要:为了方便企业快速的寻找到合适的人才来提高竞争力,开发一个人才信息网是非常有必要的。这里运用前台的开发工具Visual Studio.NET 2008和后台的数据库SQL Server 2005技术,设计并实现了一个包括简历管理、求职信管理、职位搜索管理、职场咨询管理和用户管理五大模块的人才信息网站。使用该网站可以为用户提供快速、准确的职位信息,方便用户编辑简历和求职信,同时能够快速地发送求职信,为公司和求职者提供便利。

The Website about Personnel Information
Abstract: In order to facilitate enterprises to quickly find the right personnel to improve the competitiveness, the development of a personnel information website is very necessary. Using the developing tool of Visual Studio.NET 2008 and backstage database SQL Server 2005 technology, design and implementation of a includes resume management, cover letter management includes management, job search management, career management and user management module of the five talent information website. The use of the site can provide users with fast, accurate position information, it is convenient for the user to edit your resume and cover letter, at the same time it is able to quickly send cover letter and provide convenient for the company and the job seekers.
Key words: Personnel Information; B/S Structure; Database
目    录

摘  要 1
1.概述 1
1.1课题的目的与意义 1
1.2课题的国内外现状 2
1.3课题的技术介绍 2
2.系统总体设计 3
2.1系统功能设计 3
2.2 系统模块设计 3
3.数据库设计 5
3.1需求分析 5
3.2数据库概念结构设计 5
3.3数据库逻辑结构设计 6
4.系统详细设计 8
4.1 数据库连接 8
4.2前台页面实现 8
4.3后台管理页面实现 9
5.系统测试 10
6.总结 11
参考文献 12
致  谢 13,3186

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