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更新时间:2016-9-28:  来源:毕业论文

C#多功能计算器的设计与实现论文 摘  要:本文归纳了.NET(C#)技术和计算器系统研究中的关键问题,分析了多功能计算器系统的研究现状和发展趋势,讨论研究了开发多功能计算器的工具。在此基础上,对多功能计算器系统的进一步研究进行了展望。本设计运用C#语言在Microsoft Visual Studio 2005环境中制作了一款多功能计算器,该计算器包括打开后显示欢迎使用本系统的画面和简单的加、减、乘、除、乘方、开方和倒数运算。

Design and Implementation of Multi-function Calculator
Abstract:This paper summarizes the.net (C#) technology and the calculator system key problems in research, this paper analyzes the multi-function calculator system the research present situation and development trend, discuss the research development of multi-function calculator tools. On this basis, the multi-function calculator the further research of the system is discussed. This design using c # in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 environment made a versatile calculator, this calculator include the opening show welcome to use this picture of the system and the simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, chengfang, open and bottom operations.
Key Words:Multi-function calculator;Visual Studio 2005; C Sharp;Calculate
目    录

摘  要 1
引言 2
1.绪论 3
1.1本课题的研究意义 4
1.2开发环境 5
1.3本论文的内容 5
2.设计任务与要求 4
2.1设计任务 4
2.2系统功能分析 4
3.多功能计算器的实现 5
3.1系统界面设计 5
3.2程序功能的实现 6
4.系统开发过程和特点 6
4.1开发过程 7
4.2系统的特点 8
5.总结 8
5.1系统改进方向 8
5.2设计心得 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10,3182

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